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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires novel Chapter 934

"I'm not going!" Quincy could tell that the man was a trouble. There was no way she was going anywhere with him. She tried to grab her phone to call for help, but Kevin caught her attempt in a heartbeat. He chuckled lowly, and then, with a smile plastered on his face, forcefully snatched her phone away.

"You two, get Miss Quincy into the car." He ordered.

"I already told you I'm not going anywhere! This is straight-up kidnapping!"

"Well, sorry about that. If that's what you think, then so be it."

Quincy tried to make a run for it, but with only Kevin in front of her and the flight attendants nowhere in sight, she didn't even have a chance to cry for help.

"Let me go! Don't touch me! Help!" Her shouts went unheeded as two men dragged her out of the plane's cabin.

In desperation, Quincy played her trump card, "Do you know who I am? I'm Everett, the CEO of the Lopez Corporation’s fiancée! Lay a finger on me, and you'll pay!"

At that, the men restraining her hesitated.

Thinking the mention of Everett would help, she immediately said, "Call him now if you don't believe me!"

At this, Kevin just smiled, "Don't worry, Miss Quincy. I'll relay your message to Mr. Lopez."

"Aren't you afraid of crossing the Lopez family?"

"Of course. Miss Quincy, please." Kevin's smile never wavered as he watched Quincy being led away. Only then did he pull out his phone to report back to Mr. Lopez.

"Mr. Lopez, I've got her under control."

"Alright, I'll head over once I'm done here." Everett said.



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