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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 115

Chapter 115 

After receiving the divorce certificate, Chloe and Joseph’s thirteen-year bond was officially severed. 

After her grandfather’s eightieth birthday celebration, if she remembered correctly, it would be the dog man and Grace’s turn to tie the knot. 

Grace, a thousand-year-old daughter-in-law, finally became a mother-in-law and could proudly proclaim her status as the wife of the Sawle Group to the world. 

Chloe thought of this with no regrets, only blessings. 

Only she was deemed worthy of Joseph, after all. 

Chloe, accompanied by her two brothers and Jordan, returned to Sea Gate in the evening. 


As soon as she stepped through Tong Garden’s door, her voice, crisp and sweet, drifted over. 

Chloe was so delighted that her beautiful eyes curved, and she responded, “Little sister!” 

Stefan’s youngest daughter, the Ninth Miss Kiran, was the first to emerge from the long corridor, her face beaming with joy, eager to fly to Chloe. 

“Sister! I miss you terribly!” 

Kiran, with her lively little eyes full of tears and her nose cute and red, suddenly hugged Chloe. 

“Hey, little sobbing sack, are you sad when your eighth sister returns?” Chloe embraced Kiran’s tiny waist and kissed her soft forehead. 

Oscar and Riley had the feeling of spoiling their little wife, as she was clearly the same height as Kiran. 

“Sister, this time when you come back… you won’t leave again, right?” Kiran’s delicate and tender little face was like a bud about to bloom, her eyes filled with tears. 

“I’m not going anywhere. I returned this time to assist Stefan in managing Thorp Group. I’m here to stay and won’t be leaving again.” 

Chloe, upon seeing her little sister’s eyes full of worry, felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. 

In the past, she was too headstrong and willful, yearning for freedom and chasing after the idea of true love, without realizing the most precious familial love that had always been right there with her. 

Hearing her little sister call her name, her heart melted and she was fortunate to turn back to shore and return to her family. “That’s awesome, sis… It’s really awesome! Everyone is eagerly awaiting your return!” 

Kiran and Chloe, after having chatted for a long time, were exhausted. Politely and obediently, they bowed to Oscar and Riley. 

“Greetings, Big Brother, Second Brother.” 

“Kiran, I’ve said it before: don’t be so courteous. Just be as friendly with Chloe as possible.” 

Riley sighed helplessly. A trace of pity flickered through his heart. “You and Chloe are both our sisters.” 

Kiran shyly nodded, her heart knowing she was different from her elder sister. 

-“Kiran, why are you so slender? Is your schoolwork very challenging?” Oscar stepped forward with his hands behind his back 

and inquired kindly. 

“I’ve been getting ready for my graduation performance lately, so I’m a bit exhausted. But that’s okay. I’m content with it!” 

Kiran’s eyes sparkled and she was slightly shy. She inquired gently. “When the time comes… Big Brother, Second Brother, Eighth Sister, will you… come to witness my graduation ceremony?” 

“It’s all good! I understand you guys are busy, so I was just inquiring. No worries if you don’t want to go!” 

“TII go,” Oscar declared. 

‘Tll go!” Riley continued. 

“Go, go, go, gol No need to ask, right?!” 

Chloe put her arm around Kiran’s shoulder affectionately. “When are you going to perform? Let me know ahead of time. That day, I’ll turn down all my other commitments and make time for my beloved little sister!” 

“I’ll definitely let you know ahead of time! Thank you… Thank you for coming!” Kiran was so thrilled her voice quavered. 


Chapter 115 

Chloe caressed her hair, which was soft and silky. 

This younger sister was obedient and sensible, never letting her family spend any effort on her, yet her sensibility made Chloe feel pitiful and heartbreaking. 

As the youngest daughter of Thorp Group, Third Madam Sia’s only daughter, she should be loved by thousands of people; however, Chloe, the daughter of Stefan’s original wife, has taken away much of that love, for the eldest sister is truly too dazzling. 

Kiran was never jealous of her elder sister, Sia, as she had been taught well by her. From a young age, she had been respectful to her elders and had looked after her elder brother. As she grew older, she no longer cared about her family’s wealth and instead focused on her studies, working during her free time and living a simple life. Even now, none of her classmates are aware that she is actually an extremely wealthy heiress. 

Chloe knew that Kiran had an ineradicable feeling of inferiority ingrained in her bones; she always felt like an illegitimate child of the Thorp family, and thus was always so courteous to everyone in the family. 

“Is there any room left Jordan inquired softly. 

Kiran suddenly raised her gaze, meeting Jordan’s eyes that shone like stars. Her pretty oval face, with its soft contours, blushed a delicate cherry red. 

“Yes, yes!” 

“When the time arrives, Jordan said with a warm smile, like that of a big brother, “I’ll accompany Lady Chloe.” 

He watched Chloe and Kiran grow up, and when Kiran was six or seven, her freshness in his memory was still vivid, like when she followed her big sister around and ate lollipops. 

Chloe had no suspicion of him; her little sister was as fair as porcelain, her delicate features and bashful nature causing her to blush at every turn. 

She was unaware, though, that Kiran had been harboring a secret love for Jordan for seven years. 

“Let’s go, let’s go! I’m famished. I’ve been longing for Sia’s cooking for days. It’s the perfect time to eat!” Chloe clasped her younger sister’s delicate hand and strode into the villa. 

“Mom’s still getting the meal ready,” Kiran said, shaking her sister’s arm like she used to when they were kids. “You came too 


“Ah? But I’m so hungry!” Chloe’s stomach growled. 

“Lady Chloe, Lady Kiran, why don’t we weigh out some snacks?” 

Jordan smiled adoringly as he pulled a piece of chocolate from the pocket of his suit. Tenderly tearing the tin paper, he held it up to Chloe’s lips. 

Chloe, her cherry lips slightly parted, instinctively turned her face away and took a bite. 

Seeing their intimate interaction, Kiran pursed her light pink lips, as if she had bitten into a green plum, and a sour feeling welled up in her heart. 

She had been aware since she was very young that Brother Jordani had always had a fondness for Eighth Sister. 

For Eighth Sister, he could have easily taken up his father’s profession and become an outstanding lawyer, or even a dashing prosecutor like Second Brother, but he only wanted to remain by Eighth Sister’s side. Even if there was no chance for advancement in his life, he was content to be her secretary. 

It was impossible for Brother Jordan to see her with his eyes. 

Tonight, everyone was elated, not only due to Chloe’s successful divorce, but also because Kiran had returned from Medo, bringing the house back to life. 

The maids hadn’t seen the sisters playing and laughing together in a while, and all of them couldn’t help but smile in delight. It was a pity that Fran, the sixth miss, had married Stoeyae far away. Furthermore, her sixth son-in-law was in the midst of a crucial-election for the presidency, leaving him too busy to come back and visit her family. Had he been able to, it would have been a beautiful sight to behold, with the three golden flowers gathered together! 

Sia and the maids served the delectable dishes on the table, making it impossible for people to resist the urge to dig in. 

Unfortunately, Chloe looked at them with eager eyes, yet she was unable to eat them. 

Stefan summoned everyone to the living room for a brief family meeting. 

Oscar, Riley, Kiran, Helena, Freya, and Sia the latter wearing an apron were all gathered here, with Stefan sitting in the middle of the sofa, his face cold and stern. He was very oppressive as the head of the consortium. 

“Dad, can we chat once we’re done eating? Everyone’s famished. Chloe licked her lips, savoring the aroma of the restaurant’s 




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