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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122 

Jordan paced anxiously outside of Mazeland Manor, his heart filled with worry. 

Jordan, seeing Chloe walk out with the box, hastened to her side to lend a hand with the box. 

“Young Mistress, did that scoundrel Joseph give you any trouble?” 

Chloe frowned, “Don’t be so harsh. I’m used to referring to you as a beast in private. If we meet in the business court tomorrow, I can’t help but slip up and say it in front of others. Doesn’t that mean that a large group of people will be 


“Oh,” Jordan murmured in response. 

“That scoundrel had the audacity to do anything to me. Just watch me get rid of him, Chloe snapped her fingers. 

Jordan couldn’t help but chuckle. When he saw that she was only wearing slippers, his spirits lifted, “What happened to your 


“I rushed out and forgot to change my clothes.” 

She had a few white sneakers at the entrance, so she could put one on and leave right away. 

She stubbornly employed this method to express her resistance and revulsion towards Joseph and the preceding three years. Raya’s shoes were all clean and tidy, as if they were just waiting to be trampled on. 

Chloe’s shoes were both fine and luxurious, with sharp high heels that she absolutely could not wear Raya’s old shoes in comparison to. 

She had no choice but to move forward. 

“Go to KS WORLD.” 

Chloe’s Bugatti engine roared domineeringly as she sped off, leaving a cloud of dust in her wake. 

Right now, upstairs in the villa. 

Joseph stood at the window of Chloe’s former room, gazing in the direction of the night’s melody. His eyes were intense and his heart was allame. 

Upon returning to the hotel, Chloe stayed quiet. She and Jordan then ascended the special ladder to the general manager’s 


Stepping into the corridor, Vincent, lazily leaning against the wall in a black shirt and black suit pants, shocked the two of 


“Vincent? How did you get up here?!” Chloe hastened to him and gazed at him with her lovely eyes. 

“L…climbed up,” Vincent’s lips curled into a smile. 

Panting heavily, sweat dripping from his forehead, he stood in his black suit, which clung to his well-defined muscles. A few buttons undone on his shirt revealed his good-looking clavicle and well-shaped pectoral muscles. 

Jordan looked at the man with disdain, inwardly cursing him for his promiscuity. 

What does he think of Chloe? Does he believe he can win her over with just a few pieces of meat? 

In the end, Vincent seemed to have mastered mind reading, for not only did he not dress properly, but he even pulled down the collar of his shirt, all while giving Jordan an evil look. 

“Are administrative secretaries and security all idle?” Chloe’s expression changed in an instant, her tone becoming stern. “How can someone be let in without my permission so easily?* 

Vincent’s heart trembled as he realized that his plan to surprise her had backfired and become a shock instead. 

Jordan gave the coquettish man a cold look and said, “I’ll take care of it immediately.” 

‘Don’t do a thing. It’s got nothing to do with them. I snuck up here.” 

Vincent quickly put on a cheerful grin and clasped Chloe’s arm. “They barred me from approaching you. This was the only way I could think of. Don’t hold it against them. If you’re gonna blame someone, blame me!” 

“Deduct the administrative secretary’s salary for this month. Identified the individual of the security responsible for today’s shift. Settle their salary immediately and terminate them without delay!” 

Chloe swiftly gave the order, pulling her arm out of Vincent’s palm as she turned and walked towards the office. 

“Yes, Young Mistress,” Vincent replied, leaving Jordan secretly delighted. 



Chapter 122 

“Raya… No, Miss Thorp!” 

Only then did Vincent realize that he had made a blunder. He hastened after Chloe, flustered like a child who had erred, “I was wrong, I was really wrong, I’ll make it up to you!” 

What do you want to do to let out your anger? Don’t even suggest being a cow or a horse; I won’t even entertain the idea of being a bullt 


“Enter with me,” Chloe said coldly, “I have a query for you.” 

As if he had been given amnesty, Vincent followed her into the office. 

Jordan, meanwhile, was assigned to stand guard outside the door, unable to enter without permission. 

The little puppy instantly transformed into a watchdog, his heart filled with grievances. 

Chloe gracefully glided to the sofa, crossing her white, shining legs and resting her left arm on the arinrest. Her right arm was casually draped over her leg, exuding an air of elegance and distinction. Vincent was overwhelmed by a strong sense of deja vu as he gazed upon the scene of thejbusiness bigwigs. 

Ilis Adam’s apple bobbed as his gaze remained fixed on the formidable presence of the Thorp Group’s young lady. 

He loved her even more fervently! 

“Hehe… I knew it. With our connection, you definitely couldn’t stand the thought of me coming here for nothing…” 

“Stop!”Vincent, narrowing his long and charming eyes, was just about to move closer when Chloe’s cold voice suddenly sounded, “Stop!” 

“Vincent, did you think I was just kidding when I said that to you earlier?” 

Vincent abruptly halted, his face registering shock. 

“The last Raya may have been lenient with you, considering you had done her a favor. However, Chloe is not as kind-hearted, and she’s discussing sheepskin with you here.” 

Chloe’s eyes were distant, as if they had never been acquainted, leaving Vincent feeling a chill throughout. 

He took two steps forward hastily, but the young lady’s eyes became sharp, causing his body to tremble and freeze in place. How could he be reconciled? 

“Although you are now the daughter of Thorp Group and Chloe, you are still Raya! Could our relationship be forgotten after you changed your name?” 

“From the instant I obtained the divorce certificate from Joseph, Raya had already passed away and ceased to exist.” 

Chloe curled her lips and sneered, “Whether it’s you or Joseph, neither of you are fit to stay in my life now. Mr. Anderson is a genuine and romantic individual. Don’t give up a whole forest for a single leaf, keep your heart.” 

“Furthermore, this leaf will never be within your grasp.” 

“Did I do something wrong? Please tell me what I did wrong and I’ll make it right,” Vincent said anxiously, his eyes red. 

“I must remind Young Master Anderson of one more thing! 

“Don’t imagine I’m unaware of what you did to Annie at Grandfather’s birthday feast.” Chloe’s countenance grew even more dour. 

Vincent’s face paled instantly, his blood seeming to run cold as the events of that night replayed in his mind. 

His large hand, suffused with the clear fragrance of plants and trees, held the girl’s round snow shoulders that peeked out from her pure white cotton dress. The delicate touch of her skin teased his mind, and her choppy, warm kisses were like raindrops, making him unable to resist. 

Had it not been for the fact that she was Joseph’s younger sister, and had he not had someone in his heart, he would have already set sail with the tide. 


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