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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 147

Chapter 147 

At this moment, a storm of emotions brewed beneath the somber and handsome face of Josephi 

But Chloe didn’t have as complex thoughts as him, she simply felt extremely unlucky, like the unluckiest person in the world! 

Meeting this despicable man in such a romantic and beautiful place was like a rose falling into a pile of dog poop, completely ruining the mood. Next time, she thought, she should check the lunar calendar before going out. 

As for Grace, who was clinging to Joseph like a band-aid, she was just a pungent odor to Chloe, even a glance at her was irritating. 

At this moment, Jerome, with his tall and graceful figure, leaned towards her, and his thin lips came close to her ear as he chuckled, “Don’t worry. I’m here.” 

Chloe’s ears twitched, and she couldn’t help but think, “What’s there to be worried about? When you see a dog, just fight it off with another dog.” 

“Miss Thorp, I never expected to run into you here.” 

Grace put away her confrontational attitude and asked in a gentle and soft voice, “Is this gentleman your new boyfriend? You two seem to be a perfect match.” 

Chloe’s eyes remained calm; she clearly didn’t want to engage with this troublemaker. 

However, Jerome, with a smile that seemed almost mocking, spoke, “Thank you for your compliment, but I’m not Miss Thorp’s boyfriend yet.” 

This statement left the straightforward Chloe momentarily perplexed. 

However, Joseph, hearing this, tightened his grip, causing his arm muscles to become as hard as stone. His face turned as cold as a thousand-foot frozen lake. 



that he’s not her boyfriend yet, but he will be, sooner or later? 

Was he trying to provoke Joseph or challenge him, implying a relationship he couldn’t accept? 

Grace saw Joseph’s brows furrowing, and she clenched her fingers around him tightly. She knew, deep down, that she couldn’t let go of this scoundrel! 

But now that Chloe had found a new love, she could breathe a little casier. 

At least, they needed to make one side give up completely on that three-year marriage! 

But should she say it? Chloe’s luck seemed to be incredibly good. Who was this young master? 

His demeanor was extraordinary, and his appearance was handsome. 

“Is Mr. Sawle here to accompany his fiancée for a flower-viewing trip?” 

Jerome’s lips curled slightly. “But you’d better hurry, Rose Manor is about to close.” 

“I don’t have the same elegance as you two.” 

Joseph locked eyes with him, exuding a fierce hostility that intentionally ignored Chloe. “Secretary Johnson, contact the person in charge of Rose Manor. I want to discuss our cooperation.” 

“Yes, Mr. Sawle” Max took out his phone and dialed. 

A few seconds later, the phone suddenly rang. 

Everyone heard it, and it was getting closer!. 

“That’s strange… It seems like the person is nearby?” Max scratched his head, puzzled, as he looked around. 

Meanwhile, the ringing from the phone grew louder. 

‘Director Xavier.” 

Joseph was taken aback, and his gaze was fixed on the man who had walked up to Jerome. 

The phone that had been ringing was now in his palm! 

“Director Xavier, there’s a call for you.” 

The secretary handed the phone to Jerome, still acting respectfully, but he cast a disdainful glance at Joseph. 

Jetome smiled briefly, as if nothing had happened. His slender, cold fingertips brushed over the screen, and he casually hung up the call. 

At the same time, Max’s call was abruptly cut off. 


Max stood there with the phone in his hand, mouth agape, in a daze. 

Joseph, on the other hand, was shrinking his pupils in disbelief, his face as pale as snow. 

“Mr. Sawle, the owner of Rose Manor you were looking for is me. However, I regret to inform you that I already have an exclusive parmer for cooperation. It seems that Mr. Sawle will return empty-handed.” he said. 

With that, Jerome turned his gaze to Chloe and continued, Miss Thorp, I have accepted your cooperation request.” 

Chloe’s beautiful eyes widened slightly as she watched the man extend his right hand towards her. 

“May we have a pleasant cooperation in the future.” 

She glanced casually at Joseph, whose face was gradually darkening, and his eyes were tinged with red bloodshot veins. 

Seeing this despicable man lose face, Chloe truly felt delighted. Yet, winning like this, without any effort, felt somewhat like bullying him. 

Well, she didn’t care, she’d enjoy it first! 

So, Chloe raised her lips, revealing two playful dimples on her cheeks, and extended her hand gracefully to shake Jerome’s hand. “I wish us a pleasant cooperation, Director Xavier. 

The people from the Sawle Group exchanged puzzled looks, and Max suddenly felt like the sky had fallen on his head. 

Seeing Joseph’s expression turn stormy, Grace, thinking she was being helpful, said, “Brother Joseph, you don’t have to worry. It’s just a garden, and there are plenty of places like this in our country. We can contact other venues for the cooperation…” 

However, before she finished speaking, Joseph abruptly withdrew his arm from her embrace. 

He used too much force, causing her to stumble backward and lose face. 

“Let’s go. Director Xavier.” Chloe couldn’t be bothered to look at them any longer and politely smiled at Jerome. 

“Alright, I’ve already made a reservation at the restaurant. We can go there anytime.” 

The two exchanged smiles, leaving Joseph feeling like an invisible hand was choking his throat, and his brow furrowed tightly. 

He took a brisk step forward, blocking Jerome. 

Director Xavier, let’s have a private conversation” he said, his tone still assertive, showing no sign of weakness despite the failed project negotiation. 

“If it’s about the Rose Manor project, I don’t think there’s anything left to discuss between Mr. Sawle and me.” Jerome replied, uninterested in wasting his time with him. 

“What if it’s about something else?” 

Saying this. Joseph’s enigmatic gaze focused on Chloe’s face. 

Jerome brought Joseph to a European-style pavilion within Rose Manor. 

They sat across from each other, surrounded by colorful flowers, yet the atmosphere felt as cold as an ice cellar. 

“Please, Mr. Sawle, get to the point. I still have a date with Miss Thorp to attend to.” Jerome said, glancing at his watch with impatience. 

“A date? Weren’t you discussing cooperation?” 

Joseph, not willing to let this man take the upper hand, especially in matters concerning Chloe, instinctively responded. “Maybe this is just your wishful thinking” 

“After all, Chloe was my wife for three years, and I know her far better than you do.” 

-“Is that so 

Jerome shrugged indifferently, taunting. Just three years, hardly substantial. Where does Mr. Sawle find the confidence to think you understand her better than me?” 

Her clenched his fists in anger, his eyes filled with a chilling intensity. “You investigated me?” 


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