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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 160

Chapter 160 

In one night, the Brown family was defeated and also became popular. 

Internet users jokingly refer to the Brown family as a textbook example of the negative aspects of criminal law, and they should be awarded a lifelong achievement award for ‘teaching the law through their actions.” 

Willow was detained for buying murder people and instigating murder charges. Although it was not a death sentence or no period, it was still 20 years old. Willow was already 50 years old this year. She could forget about coming out of prison for the rest of her life. 

And Mr. Brown also suffered a heart attack and was admitted to the ICU under significant distress. Due to the chaotic situation at the time, the golden opportunity for immediate life-saving measures was missed, resulting in cerebral ischernia, hypoxia, brain tissue damage, and a severe state of unconsciousness. 

“Miss Brown, you have to be mentally prepared. There is a great possibility that your father… will become a vegetable.” 

Hearing the doctor’s diagnosis, Grace, who was standing at the door of ward room, felt as if she was struck by lightning, and her stiff face lost all color. 

Now, Brown Group was in debt. These days, the manufacturers and creditors came to ask Brown Group to pay money. Grace was so scared that she stayed in the hotel and did not dare to go home. 

Hiring a lawyer for her mother to cure her father had almost emptied her little savings, making her taste the feeling of poverty for the first time. 

However, the rain continued to fall, and in less than two days, the people from Rose’s studio found her. 

That day, when Grace fled the birthday banquet in a hurry, she left the dress on the spot. When she remembered that she was going back to pick it up, she found that the expensive dress was full of black footprints, and it had been stepped on into a piece of rotten cloth that made her feel pain. 

“What? Five times the compensation fee?” 

Grace clenched the black paper bill in her hand tightly, stared at the red eyes and roared, “Five times is more than six million! You want more than six million for a piece of broken clothes? Why don’t you rob me directly?” 

“It’s just over six million. Do you think it’s expensive?” 

Rose’s assistant smiled mischievously. “The dresses here are either rich or expensive. Let alone six million, even tens of millions of people can afford it.” 

“Since you think it’s expensive, you shouldn’t have come to borrow our lady Rose’s clothes. What kind of porcelain do you do without a diamond?” 

“You! How can a smelly waiter like you say that I want to complain to you!” Grace was so angry that her mouth was smoking and her facial features were flying. 

“Okay, okay, you can complain however you want, but please transfer the compensation money to the account on the compensation list in half a month. If the expectation is not paid, we will sue you in court and take mandatory action against 


After that, the assistant looked at her with disdain and left. 

Grace’s whole body was dark. She fell on the chair with a thud. At first, she covered her face and sobbed in a low voice. In the end, she could not hold it in anymore. She simply grinned and cried loudly. 

When she was tired of crying and had cried enough, Grace gritted her teeth and wiped her face. She drove alone to Mazeland Manor. 

Now, she still had one last life-saving straw, and that was Aubreel 

How could Aubree not be responsible for her fall into this situation? That woman was her biological aunt, and no matter what, she could not stand by and watch! 

At this moment, Sawle family was eating in the restaurant. 

These two days, Rory’s condition was stable, and her complexion was a little rosy. The old man did not like to stay in the hospital, so he had already returned to Morning Moon Bay’s villa to recuperate. 

Tonight, it was rare for Sawle Group’s family to be full, and Joseph was also present. 

However, the atmosphere of the meal was so oppressive that it made people suffer from indigestion. 

Usually, on the table was the show of Aubree. She always wanted to have a lovey-dovey scene with Jake in front of Joseph 

But tonight, they each ate their own food. Jake’s face was gloomy. Aubree had been standing on the ground and eating the rice in the bowl. She seemed to have no appetite. 


However, Skyler had a big appetite and ate an extra bowl of rice than before. 

“Eat less! Can’t you see that your face is bigger than before? Be careful not to get married!” Because of Brown family, Aubree was angry. Seeing Skyler show off the rice, it was like finding a vent, and she directly vented her anger on her. 

“Tsk, won’t you give up after eating two more mouthfuls of rice? Besides, Sawle family’s daughter is still worried about getting married.” 

Skyler said nonchalantly, “Dad, Mom, I say, you don’t have to be so worried. Although it is a little difficult to deal with now, as the saying goes, if you find it early to treat it, it is better to have a short pain instead of a long one.” 

“It is better than letting that scandalous woman marry into our family and having her kin cling to us like maggots to a bone, slowly draining us of our lifeblood, correct?” 

“The engagement banquet is not held. It is just an announcement of marriage. It is not an unbreakable relationship.” 

“Shut up and stuff your food” Aubree glared at Skyler, hating this blind daughter of hers who couldn’t know how to talk! Sure enough, Jake’s expression was even uglier than before. 

Aubree’s decision-making mistake once again caused Sawle Group to be implicated again. Fortunately, Grace’s dark) background was exposed in advance. Otherwise, the scandal of the green hat and illegitimate daughter would make Sawle Group become the joke of the entire country! 


At this time, the housekeeper hurried into the restaurant and said with a complicated expression, “Miss Brown is outside the door, shouting that she wants to see you.” 

Aubree’s face instantly collapsed into a mountain of Himalayas, feeling like she was sitting on pins and needles. 

“Go and see her. After all, she is a relative.” Jake lowered his eyes and said coldly. 

Aubree was well aware that Grace was not afraid of wearing shoes. She would never leave unless she saw her. She could only bite the bullet and walk out of the villa 

“Aunt… Aunt!” 

Grace ran over in tears and grabbed Aubree’s arm tightly. “You must save my mother! You must save her! She is your biological sister!” 

“Save? How do you want me to save her?” 

At the thought that her stupid sister, Aubree was only left with a belly full of anger. She suppressed her voice and shouted angrily, “Hiring a hitman for murder, it’s truly astonishing that someone with such a foolish mind could come up with such 

a foolish idea!” 

“Such a two-year-old girl, who can be sent to no matter where she is? She actually wants to destroy the body and destroy the evidence? Is it so easy to kill people!” 

“But what can we do if we don’t do this? Chloe already knew that I was with Nialzuct at that time. Her background is so powerful and she wants to destroy me. I will definitely find out about that child! We were also at a dead end!” 

“What a bunch of idiots! Haven’t you heard of the phrase ‘Wild Horse Effect? Chloe was trying to trick you on purpose- she’s just a little bat, sucking blood from the legs of a horse, yet you guys are making a fuss as if she would suck your blood dry and take your lives.” 


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