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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 192

Chapter 192 

Joseph exited the chairman’s office and went back to his own. 

“Mr. Sawle! How are you? Did the chairman give you any trouble?” Max had already prepared coffee for him and asked with a concerned look. 

The man gracefully walked to the sofa and sat down. He then picked up his coffee cup and took a sip. 

“It wasn’t hard.” 

Max sighed in relief, his heart now at ease. 

“Can that be done?” 

“I knew he wouldn’t bring you any fruit to snack on! He’s just a phony dad!” Max widened his eyes in surprise. 

“Ah, sometimes I really wish that he isn’t my real dad. I really hope I’m not his biological son.” 

Joseph was taken aback to realise that the coffee he had consumed had lost its fragrance and tasted as bitter as medicine. “Regrettably, half of the coffee inside me is now his blood.” 

“Alas!” Max sighed despondently, not knowing what to utter. 

“Jake has already transferred the responsibility of Ada’s wedding to Skyler.” 

“What?! Fuck?!” 

Max was taken aback and livid. “Not only did you come up with the plan to win over Ada, but you also spearheaded the team to hold meetings and strategize the wedding plan day and night, putting in the extra effort. Even if you don’t want to, you still have to work hard, right?” 

“Now that something like this has occurred, no one desires it. Why does he not recall your benevolence and just assign your task to someone else?! This must be something that the old crone Aubree betrayed!” 

“Not only that,” Joseph said coldly, narrowing his starry eyes, “if this matter with Skyler is resolved, the management rights of the Sawle Group Hotel will be transferred to Skyler in the future.” 

Max sucked in a cold breath and pinched himself crazily. 

Jake, the old brat, usually presides over the group, but lacks true wisdom; however, he is adept at playing with his own son! 

“Then, why didn’t you fight for it? Aren’t you going to do anything as Skyler takes away your project?!” 

“Is it necessary? Jake and his daughter are just pretending. From the start, what Jake wanted to do was to divide my rights.” 

“It turns out there is a rationale for Skyler to let her teach,” Joseph’s expression remained unchanged. 

Had he been so enraged by such an event, he might not have survived until now. He would have perished away like nothing. 

“Are we just going to sit here and accept our fate?” Max gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with determination. 

Joseph lowered his eyes, not uttering a word, as he took a sip of his coffee. 

“Mr. Sawle,” Max said, furrowing his brows and his mouth set in a flat line, “to be honest, I’m quite irked with Young Madam!” 

“You usually think of her as a goddess, but when you mention her, you get all excited. What’s the deal? Has the honeymoon period worn off?” Joseph quirked his lips and teased Max. 

“Feelings are feelings, business is business,” Max declared angrily, “I’m convinced Young Madam is out for revenge. She’s trying to push you into a fiery pit of death!” His courage was particularly strong this time. 

“I get her,” Joseph said bluntly, his heart still aching a bit as he thought of the past. “After all, I did hurt her back then.” 

“But… if this continues, it will be a disaster for your standing in the group!” 

“Young Madam is the Thorp family’s beloved pet. With so many little mothers and brothers looking out for her, and Director Thorp cherishing her as if his life depended on it, how can she comprehend your anguish!” 

“You were all by yourself and defenseless in Sawle Group. She leveraged her family’s influence to continuously cause you grief. Eventually, she’ll bring you down!” 

“Don’t worry, I’m not so easily defeated.” 

Joseph’s lips curled up into a cold smile. “If I couldn’t take a punch, I wouldn’t deserve her devotion, and I wouldn’t deserve her being with me.” 


“Therefore, this time I already have a strategy in place.” 

“Really? What is it?!” 

Joseph closed his eyes, resting with a slight curl of his thin lips. 

After a while, he murmured, “Let Chloe win and keep winning.” 

Max was stunned, staring in disbelief. 

He instantly grasped the significance of Mr. Sawle’s words. 

Should he not achieve a full victory, then let them perish together! 

“This time, I’m not gonna let anyone stand in her way no matter what.” 

Joseph initially had a high-level meeting scheduled for the evening, but he declined and drove to KS WORLD solo. 

Stepping into the hotel lobby, a flood of emotions surged through his heart. 

He recalled that when he first visited Chloe, she not only tricked him into climbing the stairs but also had a puppet stand-in to deal with him, resulting in his unsuccessful return. 

From childhood to adulthood, he had almost never encountered a woman who frustrated him as much as Grace, who had used and betrayed him, leaving him only with anger. 

Joseph smiled bitterly as he looked at the brand-new hotel lobby, which was even more organized than Sawle Group’s hotel. 

In the past, Chloe, who married him, had a look of ignorance and resignation. Although he had never looked down on her due to her “country bumpkin” identity, he also felt that she was too far removed from his world and could not be blended. together at all. 

He now vaguely realized that he was too far away from her world, to the point of being persistent in chasing and striving, yet still unable to catch up. 

For the past three years of marriage, Chloe had put aside her pride and dignity and remained by his side; that was when they were closest. 

He had never been an unreachable person. 

While talking to the two hotel executives about some work, Jordan happened to glance over his shoulder and spot the strikingly noticeable Joseph standing in the lobby. 

He was stunned, sinking into gloom. 

“That’s it. You all go and get your work done first.” 

“Yes, Secretary Stewart.” 

Jordan, with a cold face, walked in front of Joseph after the two executives had departed. 

“Mr. Sawle, the restaurant is to your left, the bar is to your right, and the coffee shop is on the third floor. If you need a room, head to the front desk to find a member of staff.” 

“I want to view your President Thorp,” Joseph spoke bluntly, his angular handsome face devoid of any emotion, merely indifferently surveying the area. 

“Who do you think our President Thorp is?” Jordan asked with a cold smile, his eyes filled with hatred. “Do you think we can meet anyone we want?” 

Had this not been a hotel, he would have opened the door and allowed his people to kick Joseph out. 

“Whatever you say, but today I must meet with President Thorp.” 

Joseph found that his skin was becoming increasingly thicker; in the past, he would have walked away after being humiliated like this, but this time, he pretended to be deaf in order to stay. 

Had he not seen Chloe, he likely would not have slept well tonight, and he would not have lost a morsel of meat even if 


“Joseph, the big miss won’t be pleased to see you, as your presence would put a damper on her day.” 

Jordan glared at the man angrily, his teeth clenched. He coldly commanded the guest to depart, “If you value your safety, get out of here right away. As long as I’m here, you won’t want to cross paths with the big miss.” 

“Yes, however, I would like Chloe to come and inform me in person.” 

The man’s eyes were deep and cold, and he refused to yield. 


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