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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 203

Chapter 203 

The bastard was still outside? What the hell was he doing? 

Did he think that she would be fooled by such a cheap trick? 

Chloe felt her heart burn. She turned around and wanted to go back to her room in a huff. However, she stopped after taking two steps. 

The rain was not at the time of summer. It was late autumn for Medo, and the temperature at night could reach below zero. 

Joseph had been standing outside for three or four hours, and he was wearing thin clothes. If he didn’t leave…. 

If he froze to death at the door, wouldn’t she, the daughter of a rich family, go back with the police to make a statement? How troublesome! 

Thinking of this, Chloe quickly walked back to the room, picked up the phone and called Joseph. 

In the end, it was turned off! 

Chloe could not understand this operation at all. 

Joseph’s scheme did not arouse the sympathy of the young lady, but it aroused her curiosity. 

Thus, she quickly walked to the entrance and pushed open the door with a huge black umbrella. 

When Joseph saw the thin and slender little woman walking towards him, he thought that he had been standing in the rain for too long. He was exhausted and cold, and he had already hallucinated. 

When Chloe walked in front of him, he was stunned. His heart surged with warmth, and his dark pupils shrank in joy. “What are you trying to do? Are you donc yet? Chloe’s crisp voice was sharp and harsh, completely reprimanding him. “Wearing so little, aren’t you cold?” 

Joseph was still cold and expressionless. His hands trembled as he undid the middle buttons. He wanted to take off his suit for her to wear, but he realized that he was already drenched. He froze in embarrassment. 

“Why did you turn off your phone?” Chloe questioned him. 

“The phone’s dead.” Joseph answered honestly, like a silly husband being lectured by his little wife. 

For some reason, he was quite satisfied with her fierce way of speaking. Sure enough, he was also an ordinary man deep down in his bones, so cheap. 

“If I don’t come out, are you going to stand like this all night?” 

“Yes, I have something to tell you.” 

“Joseph, why do you always make me look down on you? Other than the dirty tricks like the cruel game, do you have any other moves that are slightly more advanced?” Chloe laughed angrily. 

“You are the president of Sawle Group. You are not a rogue, are you?” 

“I don’t care about the methods. As long as I can see you, it’s good.” Joseph’s magnetic voice was cool, but his starry eyes were bright enough to make one’s soul tremble. 

Chloe was so angry that she was short of breath, and her eyes deepened when he saw her chest. 

Fortunately, he was a gentleman, and he had a high level of abstinence as a soldier. Otherwise, no normal man would be able to stand in front of such a beauty. 

“You didn’t sleep well tonight?” 


“I remember that in the past, you never woke up at night and slept all the way until dawn.” 

Chloe’s heart shook, and the hand holding the umbrella handle tightened even more. 

When they first got married, they slept in the same bed for almost half a year. 

Even if they slept in the same bed, Joseph would always give her a broad back, and the two of them seemed to be separated by a big canyon in East Africa. 

She knew that Joseph had a shallow sleep, but she did not know that he had also paid attention to her. 

“Didn’t you say something happened? Hurry up and say it, it’s very cold!” Chloe couldn’t help but shiver. “Let’s talk in the car.” 

Joseph took the umbrella from her hand and quickly opened the car door with his other hand, pushing her into the car 


without any explanation. 

The two of them got into the car, and the air was filled with a damp smell. 

Under the dim light, Chloe finally noticed that the man’s pale lips were trembling slightly, and the hand that was placed on his knees had already turned a little purple from the cold. 

She pursed her lips, and Joseph actually took out a blanket from somewhere and wrapped it tightly around her delicate body. 

“I found out that the mastermind is a woman called Shelby Gondor. Her father is Michal Gondor. You should understand the reason behind this. She is waiting for an opportunity to take revenge.” 

“You came here just to tell me this?” Chloe looked up in shock.” 

“Yes. Not all of them.” 

“I want to see you if you are affected because of this matter.” Joseph restrained his voice with a hint of trembling. 

“Ha, ha, ha!” 

Chloe did not love Joseph anymore. She no longer had to pretend to be a gentle woman in front of him. She simply raised her head and laughed. “Is it worth me to be depressed about such a trivial matter?” 

“Thorp family’s daughter is not so easy to defeat. Joseph, aren’t you looking down on me too much?” 

“That’s good.” Joseph’s eyes revealed a bit of gratification. 

“What is your real intention in telling me 


Chloe felt that he was becoming more and more strange, but no matter what, she would not think in the direction that Joseph liked her. 

For three whole years, she had given him countless opportunities to fall in love with her. He could not only be moved now, right? 

Stop messing around, how could a human’s reflex arc be so long! 

“Chloe, in the end, I owe you. Although our marriage in those three years was in name only, after all, I was not good to you.” 

“So, as long as there is a suitable opportunity, I still hope to make it up to you.” Joseph tried his best to give a reasonable explanation to his behavior. 

“Make it up to me. Okay.” 

“Then promise me that from now on, don’t ever appear in front of me again. Don’t care about me anymore. That’s it.” Chloe looked at him and said with a cold manner. 

Joseph furrowed his brows. His heart ached so much that it felt like it was being stabbed by a knife. Even his heart was almost unable to move. 

Chloe took off the blanket on her body and looked at him coldly. “In the future, don’t say anything like compensation.” 

“I would rather you say that it was to attack Skyler so that I would listen to you say a few more words.” 

As he watched Chloe enter the villa in the wind and rain, his chest was empty and filled with the wind and rain outside the window. 

In his heart, he was actually still longing for her to have a trace of nostalgia for him. 

Unwillingness, but also powerless. 

Did Chloe live in such a worse life like a widow in that three years of suffering?” 

Chloe returned to the villa, leaned against the door and took a few deep breaths before her emotions stabilized. 

Hearing the faint roar of the sports car engine outside, she knew that he had left, so she slowly walked to the bedside and looked out. 

At this time, a pair of warm hands fell on her shoulder. 


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