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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 235

Chapter 235 

Chloe awoke the following day to find herself already in Sea Gate’s abode. 

“Ah! Heaven and Earth Great Shift.” 

She cried out and pinched her face. 


Therefore, she was not dreaming. She really went home. 

“Heaven and Earth Great Shift? I still have the White Bone Claw.” 

At this time, Helena and Freya just pushed the door open and came in to visit their little sweetheart. Seeing that Chloe had woken up, Freya joked: 

“Chloe, how is it? Does your stomach still hurt?” 

“You’ve lost weight again. Have you been too tired lately?” Helena asked. 

“Chloe, why don’t you just stay at home instead of going back to Medo’s damned place?” 

“You’re the most expensive young lady of our Thorp family, a Princess who has been pampered by thousands. Why do you have to fight with those stinky men?” Freya said with red eyes. 

“What do you want? Just tell us. How can we not be satisfied with you? Even if you want BOBO, I’ll kill it to make sashimi for you!” 

Chloe didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “Freya, although I’m not picky about food, isn’t the crocodile sashimi too harsh 

on me?” 

“Freya doesn’t know how to express your concern for you: Concern makes you confused.” 

“You have a good thing. I can’t explain it to your mother. Before she left, she told us to let you grow up without worries. She didn’t let you suffer.” 

“Oh my god… it’s just a stomach ache. It’s just a minor illness.” Chloe waved her hand and felt that they were exaggerating. Freya’s eyes widened like copper bells. “A minor illness? We have to worry for a few days if you cough twice when you were a child!” 

“Chloe, your 

father didn’t sleep for the whole night because you were sick. He didn’t even eat breakfast. He was waiting for you to wake up.” Helena sighed. The little one was worried, and the old one was stubborn/ 

“Ah? How can that be?” 

Chloe was originally lazy, but when she heard that Stefan didn’t eat, she sat up like a carp and said, “Wait for me to go over. I’ll pry open his mouth and shove it inside!” 

“By the 


how did I… come back last night?” she asked. 

Helena: “Oscar brought you here.” 

Alas, in the end, it still had to be eldest brother. 

Freya frowned, “But the Eldest Young Master didn’t have a good expression when he brought you back. I rarely see him with such gloomy emotions. Little girl, what did you do to him?” 

“How could I dare to do anything to Eldest Brother? I am a typical family girl. It’s not like 

Helena and Freya: “Oh… that means he did something to others.” 

you don’t know.” 

Chloe pinched the space between her eyebrows and turned over the bed. “Then I don’t care. I’ll go and see Stefan first.” 

In the study room, Stefan sat on the sofa, sighing and frowning. 

Thinking of how Chloe had been carried home by Medo with a pale face last night, and how she still cried out in pain in her sleep, his heart was so uncomfortable that it was like a knife. 

“Mr. Thorp, have you seen the hot search today? Now the Internet is full of praise for our big sister, saying that she is a goddess descended from heaven, a legendary figure.” Secretary Jared was thinking about something to enlighten him. 

“A goddess descended from heaven? I think she is a monkey with intelligence. She will be unhappy if she doesn’t poke a hole in the sky!” 

“To be a well-behaved young lady, is it too much for her? Must she make a fuss to feel at ease?” Stefan was so angry that she slammed the armrest. 

Sia blinked her bright eyes in surprise. “Stefan, did you… already know that Alexa is Chloe’s vest?” 


“She is my biological daughter. Other than the fact that she married Sawle family, I don’t know anything else!?” 

Stefan was so angry that he began to pat his thigh again. 

The little girl who had personally replaced her urine with diapers when she was a child was gradually becoming crazy, and he couldn’t control her anymore. 


you should be proud of Chloe.” 

When Sia thought that Chloe was Alexa, she was so excited that she blushed. “Top jewelry designer, Queen Puplen always wears the jewelry she designed at the national banquet. Second sister and fourth sister both said that this can be boasted for half a lifetime, and it can bring glory to the ancestors!” 

“Sia, it’s not that I don’t appreciate Chloe’s talent. I just think that she is too arrogant and unscrupulous. She is independent in Medo, and this arrogant style of doing things is very easy to make enemies for her!” 

Stefan gloomily rubbed his temples. “It seems like people’s hearts aren’t so kind anymore. Everyone’s holding back. I’m scared she’ll be betrayed. Even if I have the skills to help her out, it’ll be too late by then.” 

At this time, the door opened, and the young lady walked in with a red face. 

“Humph! Let me see who is this disobedient old man who doesn’t eat properly. I’ll pry open your treasure chest and give all your bottles and jars to the elderly gentleman in the retirement home to use as a urinal!” 

“Chloe, are you okay?” Sia hurriedly went up and asked with concern. 

“No, Sia. I’m fine.” Chloe and the beautiful stepmother were close to each other. 

“Um… You guys chat first. I’ll go make some snacks for you guys.” 

After saying that, Sia gestured with both hands to the top of her head with the gesture of a bull, horn, indicating that Stefan 

was angry. 

Chloe made a “oh” gesture and gave her a win-win. 

After Sia left, Secretary Jared also left tactfully. 

“Stefan, I heard everything you said to Sia just now.” 

Chloe sat down next to her old father and hugged Stefan’s neck like a buddy. She put her head against his head. “You look down on me too much. My arrogance shows that I have the capital to be arrogant and have the strength to be arrogant.” 

“How could those domestic canaries be a match for a real phoenix-like me?” 

“You are indeed my golden phoenix, but those pheasants pecked you every few days. Aren’t you uncomfortable?” Stefan shook his head helplessly. “Why did you provoke them? They made a mess: I have to be on tenterhooks with you at my age.” 

“Pheasant? Pfft… Are you talking about Sawle Group’s family?” 

Chloe couldn’t help but laugh. Her voice was as crisp as a nightingale, “Stefan, your mouth is even more poisonous than mine. I admit that I was a little too loud when I spoke to you just now- 

“Loathsome girl, I was afraid that you would suffer a loss, do you know that?!” 

Stefan lovingly held his daughter’s slender waist. Suddenly, he thought of something and asked with a frown, “You messed with Sawle family’s people like that. As the president, that brat Joseph didn’t make things difficult for you, right?” 

Chloe’s heart trembled slightly as she shook her head. “No, and he also added fuel to the fire this time.” 

“Huh? What do you mean?” Stefan raised his eyebrows. 

“I thought that the female reporter who stood up to testify against Skyler had really fallen into a severe coma. In fact, it was Joseph who secretly saved her and brought her to the charity event.” eyes flashed. 


“He took advantage of your place to clean president has been so stable all these years.” 

his own troubles. 



played to death by him. You are still very lucky.” 

Stefan sneered and could not help but tease her, “You have be ed 

of wicked ideas. No wonder the position of 

to him for three years, but you have not been 


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