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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 245

Chapter 245 

After being locked up for three days, Skyler was finally able to escape. 

Johan asked Jake to use all means to block the news, but it still reached Joseph’s ears at the first moment. 

“How could Skyler be released? Didn’t you send someone to monitor Shelby well? Did you let Johan get close to her?” Joseph’s cold face was covered with frost, and he punched hard on the car window. 

“Mr. Sawle, the problem is not Shelby… It is justin!” 

“Our informant sent the news that Johan, in the name of acting lawyer, went to the detention center to meet justin in secret.” 

“It was unclear what he said that scared Justin, but all doubts about Skyler were naturally dispelled as Justin took responsibility for the errors.” 

“What else can he do? It is to seize his weakness and threaten him with the safety of his family!” 

“A golden medal lawyer used all kinds of despicable means!” 

Joseph’s peach blossom eyes were deep and gloomy, like the black sea before the tsunami, his clenched fists trembled, “The reputation of the great judge Jeremy has been ruined by this eldest son!”- 

“Mr. Sawle, now that justin is a scapegoat, doesn’t that mean that Shelby’s situation…” 

Before Max finished his words, his mobile phone rang! 

“What is it? 

After hearing this, Max’s expression became serious. He hung up and hurriedly reported to Joseph, “Mr. Sawle! Not good! Just now, the police arrested her for damaging her reputation and making false evidence!” 

The result was expected. 

Although Shelby deserved it. 

However, it still made Joseph furious and his 


burn red! 

On this side, Skyler cried and returned to Mazeland Manor, as if she had been reborn. 

The mother and daughter hugged each other and cried bitterly, acting out the scene of mother and daughter deeply in front of Jake and Rory. 

Many years ago, when she was an actress, her acting skills were useless, but now she was an old artist. 

“Mom! Dad! You must avenge me! This time, I was really screwed by Chloe and Zoey, those two bad women!” 

Seeing that her grandfather was in front of her, Skyler wanted to take the opportunity to ruthlessly step on Chloe, so she ran over and knelt beside Rory’s wheelchair. “Grandpa! Chloe wants to kill me! She is too shrewd and vicious!” 

“Fortunately, Lawyer Stewart saved me, otherwise you would never see your good granddaughter again!” 

All sorts of feelings welled up in Rory’s heart as he faced Skyler’s accusation. 

On one hand, he naturally did not believe that Raya was the kind of person that Skyler spoke of, but on the other hand, the person who provided evidence to the police and called the police to arrest his granddaughter was indeed his Raya. 

Old Master felt the pain once more. 

The last time was more than twenty years ago, and it was also the years when Sawle Group expanded at the fastest speed in Medo. 

In order to quickly seize the market and strengthen Sawle Group, his two sons, Jake and Tany, were deeply involved in bribery and the scandal of auctioning the land against the rules. In the end, because Old Master was partial to his eldest son and Jake was not in good health at that time, Tany finally resisted all of them and was sentenced to four years in prison. 

In the end, he never expected that Tany would die in prison due to a sudden heart paralysis after half a year of imprisonment! 

The death of his youngest son made Rory extremely sad. His beloved wife was even more heartbroken. Her health deteriorated-and she was unable to grow old together in the end. 

“Grandpa! I have been telling you that Chloe has ulterior motives… She must have had a profit when she married our Sawle family!” 

Skyler lay on Grandpa, tears streaming down her face. “Chloe is good to you… Maybe she is also trying to get some benefits from you! Maybe she is trying to get Sawle Group’s shares from you!” 

“Yes! Dad!” 

Aubree also added fuel to the fire, demonizing Chloe, “Chloe hid her identity as Stefan’s daughter from the beginning, lurking around you to win your trust, and successfully married Joseph!” 

“Think about it now, don’t you think it is a conspiracy she carefully planned Fortunately, Joseph was not bewitched by that girl to divorce in time to stop damage. If Joseph fell in love with her and was completely controlled by her, and she won your favor and absolute trust, aren’t you afraid that she will slowly infiltrate Sawle Group’s core and eat away the control of Sawle Group?” 

“Don’t say anymore. Raya is not such a child.” 

Rory waved his hand, but his mood was very dull. “And I know Stefan. Although he is a little fickle, he is a righteous gentleman. I don’t believe that he will raise a daughter of low character.” 



“What’s more, in terms of family background and wealth, Thorp Group is not inferior to Sawle Group at all. Miss Thorp married Joseph just to get some of Sawle Group’s broken shares, and she lost all her happiness in her life?” 

“Hmph, it’s reasonable for you to say that Brown family’s daughter did this kind of thing that has no vision and no style. Miss Thorp is a heaven’s pride daughter. She absolutely can not do this kind of low-level behavior!” Rory was partial to Chloe, and seeing that Aubree was fanning the flames, he even more wanted to speak to his adopted granddaughter.” 

Aubree was so angry that she gnashed her teeth and really wanted to rush up and kick this old bastard’s wheelchair! 

“Dad, no matter what, that Miss Thorp still has too much malice towards our Sawle Group!” 

Jake knew that his daughter was the one who provoked him first, but of course, he could not admit that his education had failed in front of Rory, so he said indignantly, “Even if there is a certain problem in our group, it is not up to an outsider like Chloe to criticize us!” 

“She repeatedly used Thorp Group’s power to suppress us. Last time, it was Aubree. This time, because of a small matter, she sent Skyler to prison!” 

“She attacked with such a heavy fist just to completely tear off our Sawle Group’s face! Have you ever thought that Chloe, who returned to Thorp family, has changed? Between her own interests and your affection, she will only choose the former without hesitation!” 

Rory grabbed the armrest with both hands, and his chest heaved violently. 

“Webb, let Raya see me. Regarding this matter, I just want to hear it from her own mouth!” 

At this moment, outside Mazeland’s villa. 


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