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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 269

In the banquet hall, there were only a few guests. This made the hall be more cold and quiet, miserable and faint. 

And they were basically all men, and they were all partners in Jake’s business! 

Apart from the waiters and piano musicians, there was not a single female guest! Those rich ladies who were usually close to Aubree on the surface, or those rich ladies who had to come to flatter Sawle Group because of Sawle Group’s influence, actually acted as if they were secretly communicating with each other, and none of them came! 

Damn it… damn it! 

If not for the reporters behind her watching the show, Aubree would probably have exploded on the spot! 

Jake furrowed his brows and lowered his lips, but he didn’t show many emotions on his face. 

Skyler was stunned. She knew that her biological mother was not popular in the circle, but she didn’t expect it to be so bad! 

“Quick! Hurry up and take photos! This is a big headline that can be searched on the hot streets!” 

The reporters poked their heads out and frantically filmed the bleak banquet hall. 

“The title is ‘Chairman’s Wife of Sawle Group Stages ‘Empty City Stratagem’ at Her Birthday Banquet?” 

“She just said that she invited a lot of people, and she immediately slapped herself in the face. It’s really funny!” 

Aubree was so angry that her legs were trembling under her gorgeous dress. She glared at Skyler and let her act as her 


Skyler hurriedly faced the reporters and said with a smile, “Everyone, my mother’s birthday banquet will start soon. We are going in to greet the guests. Take care, everyone. We will send red envelopes to you at the door later!” 

The bodyguards hurriedly drove the reporters out. 

Some reporters received red envelopes and complained: “Tsk, we rushed over in the heavy snow before, and now they let us go. It’s obvious that they feel embarrassed and don’t want to be seen!” 

“You still want to greet guests? Where are the guests? To greet ghosts Hahaha!” 

The birthday-banquet had just begun, but it was bleak as if it was going to end. 

Aubree’s heart was full of anger. Her delicate makeup could no longer hide her stiff expression and her angry face! 

As for the guests present, because they were all Jake’s friends, they only gave her a simple blessing and began to talk and laugh with Jake, completely ignoring her, the heroine! 

How could this be… 

How could it be like this! 

“Mom! Mom!” 

Skyler hurriedly ran in with her long skirt. She was panting and her face was pale. “I sent someone to investigate. What do you think? The guests we invited… are all gathered at the KS WORLD. All of them have been intercepted by Chloe!” 

In fact, Aubree had already known it in her heart, but she was still shocked by the confirmation and almost fainted! 

“C-h-l-o-e! Why is it that damned girl again?” 

Annie, who was playing with a bear, heard the name of her sister-in-law and looked at them with a complicated gaze. 

“Half of the people over there tonight are going for Thorp family, and the other half is going for Xavier family. I heard that Xavy Group’s people are all at Sia’s birthday party!” 

Thorp family and Xavier family are good friends, and once the people of the two big families work together, there of course are many people to curry favor with them! 

At this time, Skyler’s IQ was online. She took a step closer to Aubree and said angrily, “Also, I heard that some of them were originally not on the list of invitation by Thorp family, but I don’t know why they received the invitation from Chloe in advance, so they temporarily changed their minds and went to KS WORLD!” 

At the end of the day… the cause of all this was Chloe! 

“This bitch who always makes trouble for me! She wants to use this method to mess up my birthday banquet. Does she think she can suppress me like this? Does she think that I, Aubree, am a normal peopel.” Aubree cursed angrily, her facial features gradually twisted. 

“Mom, don’t call sister-in-law a bitch. Sister-in-law is not a bitch!” Annie couldn’t take it anymore and mustered up the courage to retort with a red face. 

“Shut up! What kind of sister-in-law is she?” Aubree glared at her furiously. 

“Annie! Do you know what you’re talking about?” 

Skyler took advantage of the fact that Aubree was in a fit of anger to rush in front of Annie and fiercely poked her delicate cheek with her sharp nails, causing her to suck in a cold breath and shrink her neck. 

A clear red mark appeared on her face. 

“Now, because of that bitch Chloe, Mommy is going to die from such a great grievance! As a daughter, you not only don’t help mommy, but speak up for that bitch Chloe! Mommy really raised you for nothing!” 

“Sister-in-law is not a bitch!” The more she said, the angrier Annie became, and her eyes turned red as she retorted. 

“If she isn’t, then who is She is!” Skyler stretched out her neck and roared, attracting the attention of some guests. 


It was as if an angry button had been pressed on Annie. She suddenly stood up, staring angrily at Skyler with her round eyes! 

She could endure this woman hitting and scolding her. 

But she couldn’t tolerate her insulting her favorite sister-in-law! 

“You little bastard, how dare you shout at me! Do you think I’m afraid of you just because you have Vincent backing you up?” 

Skyler had been challenged by the little fool under her feet all night. He couldn’t bear it anymore and raised her hand to pinch her arm. 

At this moment, the door of the banquet hall, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened! 

Everyone present looked at the man outside the door, walking steadily and leisurely. 

“Brother… Brother Vincent…” 

Annie looked at Vincent, and her eyes gradually became watery with joy. 

At this moment, Vincent’s eagle-like eyes were staring at her intensely. 

He stared at her, not wanting to let go. 

Even if she always wore such ordinary clothes, even if she always lowered her head and shrank her shoulders without any sense of presence, he could still find her at the fastest speed, 

“Young Master Anderson” Aubree and Skyler were both dumbfounded. 

Jake was chatting with the guests. When he saw Vincent, who was dressed in a wine-red velvet high-set suit and walked in with an imposing manner like a groom, he also revealed a look of surprise. 

Skyler quickly retracted her hand that was about to launch a violent attack. She stared at Vincent with mixed feelings! Even if Vincent abused her to the point of perfection, she had forgotten the pain. When she saw Vincent’s enchanting face, she was captivated. She wanted to be tortured to death by him and die under his crotch! 

But she also knew that Vincent did not like her at all. It was useless for her to stand in front of him naked. 

So, why did he come? 

Could it be… 

“Young Master Anderson, Auntie is really happy that you can come. We have been waiting for you!” 

Seeing Vincent come over, Aubree was secretly happy in her heart. She hurriedly replied, “Quick! Get Young Master Anderson a glass of champagne!” 

As long as he was willing to come, even if he really came for Annie, it would add a lot of color to her birthday banquet. “No need, I am not here to participate in the birthday banquet.” Vincent put his hands in his pockets with an insincere smile, and his whole body exuded a moving charm. 

“Then, then you are here for…” 

“I’m here to take my girl away.” 

Everyone: “?!” 

The golden voice was loud and clear, full of deep affection. 

Under everyone’s gaze, the corners of Vincent’s lips curled up like a perfect crescent moon, and he walked towards Annie 

without hesitation. 


11:08 5 

Aubree and her daughter both looked like they had been splashed with cold water from the Pacific Ocean. Their expressions were indescribably shocked and embarrassed! 

Annie was so shy that her fair face was flushed red. She stood there awkwardly and watched Vincent walk towards her unwaveringly. The little bear in her hand seemed to have turned into a pure hand holding a flower. 

Vincent walked straight forward. When he passed Skyler, he knocked her away with a cold face and blocked her way. “Ah! It hurts!” 

A sharp pain came from Skyler’s shoulder, and she staggered back two steps, almost falling to the ground! 


Vincent stood in front of Annie, staring deeply at her red face, and said in a low magnetic voice, “You are innocent and beautiful today.” 

“Eh…?” Annie’s heart was beating so fast. 

“It’s so boring here. Why don’t you go with Brother Vincent?” Vincent’s phoenix eyes held a soft light as he extended his hand towards her. 

“Where… where?” 

“Whatever. I will take you wherever you want to go.” His eyes were unprecedentedly sincere. 

For some reason, Annie really wanted to cry. Her eyes were red. 

Since she was a child, she had been the dumbest child in the family and the most obedient child. 

She had never experienced what it felt like to be pampered and accommodated by others. This was her first time. 

“I… want to see my sister-in-law and second brother.” Annie choked and said softly. 


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