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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 273

In the banquet hall, Koda and his wife were talking and laughing with Oscar. 

Now, as the president of the group, Eldest Young Master Xavier had taken over several important industries and subsidiaries of Xavy Group. He was also the eldest son that his father had placed his greatest hope on. In the future, if nothing unexpected happened to Xavy Group, the whole Xavy Group would be controlled by him. 

As the eldest son of Stefan, Oscar was bound to be the future heir of the KS consortium. Therefore, even if Koda did not like a polygamy family like Thorp family, who was also a flat family with a bowl of water, he was willing to be hypocritical with 


“President Thorp, I heard that KS intends to march into Medo. The recent movements are not small, and the momentum is fierce.” 

“In the future, there will be more and more opportunities for me to meet President Thorp in the business field. Our two families are old friends, and my father and Director Thorp are brothers. I hope that when we come to our generation, we can continue this friendship.” 

Oscar smiled and clinked his glass with him. 

“If President Thorp has any good project on Medo’s side in the future, remember to think of our Xavy Group. If our two families can unite, no one can compete with you and me in the future, even in the country.” Koda took a sip of wine, not hiding his ambition at all. 

“Director Xavier is right, but unfortunately, after I stand on this last shift, I will have to retreat to the second line.” Oscar’s eyes were calm, elegantly drinking. 

Koda and his wife Selene looked at each other, puzzled. “President Thorp, what you mean is…” 

“As everyone knows, being a CEO is not my dream. I also wanted to help my father and release my younger brothers and sisters to satisfy their wishes to realize their own worth and dreams. I didn’t want them to be implicated by the family office, so I took the position of CEO and took this responsibility.” 

Oscar thought of Chloe and couldn’t help but smile gently. “Now, our Young Lady is back. She is very interested in doing business and is eager to manage the group. She is both talented. 

“So after this transition period, I will retire to the second line and give the position to my sister.” 

“President Thorp means that… in the future, Director Thorp will be willing to let Miss Chloe be KS Group’s CEO?” Koda was stunned. 

“Yes.” Oscar nodded and said bluntly. 

This is not a secret. In the future, Chloe will definitely be the heir of the consortium. 

In the whole of Thorp family, no one is more suitable than her. 

“But Miss Thorp is a girl. She is only in her early twenties this year, right? At this age, she should enjoy the beauty of youth. In two years, when she is married, she should take care of her husband and take care of her son. This is the normal life of the daughter of a rich family, right?” 

Selene said in a tactful tone, “Moreover… Director Thorp has several young masters under her. All of them are outstanding figures. Which one of them can’t be entrusted with an important task? Does she really need Miss Thorp to be a housekeeper?” 

“I understand what you mean, Madam, but Chloe is not an ordinary girl. If I want her to take care of her husband and teach her children every day and not let her realize her personal value, I’m afraid she will be so scared that she will run abroad to travel all over the world. If I see her again, it will probably be the time for half of my body to be buried.” 

“So even if it is to keep my sister by my side for a long time, I have to give up my position to her.” Oscar said half-jokingly. 

The girl of my own family has been spoiled since childhood. Whatever she wants, as long as I have it, I will give it to her. 

Selene was greatly shocked! 

Xavier family had a total of four children, and three of them were born from the same mother. 

This Stefan now had three wives, and their children were complicated. They did not want to fight for more benefits for themselves, but were actually willing to give up everything they had painstakingly built up? 

Unreasonable! Unbelievable! 

Koda repeatedly praised, but in his heart, he couldn’t help but sneer and despise. 

This Oscar really had no ambition, no brain to spoil his little sister, leaving his great future behind, actually letting this little girl jump up and down. 


Humph, sooner or later he will regret it. 

“Director Xavier!” 

At this time, Koda’s secretary hurriedly came over. Seeing that Selene was present, she hesitated to speak. 

“Sorry, excuse me.” Koda revealed an apologetic smile. 

Oscar nodded. “Go ahead.” 

As soon as Koda left, Selene’s face darkened. 

“What did you say?” When Koda heard this, his eyebrows tightened. 

“Miss Mole is here, but she couldn’t come in. She was stopped outside by Thorp family’s people. Now she is shouting that she wants to see you. Many people saw it!” The secretary wiped his sweat and reported in a low voice. 

“How can she set foot on such an occasion? Tell her to get lost.” 

“Director Xavier, there was a commotion outside just now. I heard that Miss Mole insulted Thorp family’s Ninth Miss and even disturbed Thorp family’s young miss.” 

The secretary nervously swallowed his saliva. “I see that with Miss Thorp’s attitude, if you don’t come out, this matter will be difficult to resolve. She is really difficult to deal with.” 

Koda’s face was gloomy, and he pulled his bow tie, “Got it.” 

Originally, Chloe wanted to execute Jenna on the spot. 

However, Kiran was very afraid of making this matter big and letting too many people see that it would spread to her parents’ ears, so she repeatedly begged her sister to deal with it privately. 

At this moment, in the empty banquet hall. 

Jenna stood there in panic. The two tall and strong bodyguards in black behind her gave her an extremely strong sense of oppression, and the previous arrogant and domineering appearance disappeared. 

Chloe leisurely sat on the sofa with Kiran in her arms, her beautiful legs lazily crossed, and Jordan also stood on the side! with a plate of fruit to serve. 

She inserted a piece into her younger sister’s mouth, her eyes were as charming as silk, like the lustful and muddle-headed Emperor of ancient times. 

“Last time, I heard Jordan say that this woman scolded you, and she also scolded you very harshly?” Chloe asked in a moderate voice, the tone of her voice hard to distinguish between joy and anger. 

When Jenna heard this, her body was uncontrollably frightened, as if she was in an icehouse! 

Chloe, a woman, gave her a very terrifying sense of oppression, and her aura was terrifyingly strong! 

“Sister, that is a personal grudge between me and her. Please let me handle it.” Kiran took a deep breath, her heart tightening. 

This kind of woman, even looking at her sister was an insult to her sister. She really did not want Chloe to get involved in this rotten thing. 

“Well, good sister, I know you don’t want my sister to worry.” 

“You don’t want to cause trouble for my sister. I’m really happy that you think of me like this.” Chloe touched Kiran’s silky smooth hair and said in the gentlest tone. 

“I will help you deal with this matter. Don’t feel guilty. Just take it as I taught you. In the future, you will know what to do if you meet that dog who doesn’t recognize Mt. Tai again.” 

Jenna was shocked and trembled even more! 

Now, she had no other choice but to wait for her Director Xavier to come and save her! 

At this time, the door of the banquet hall opened. 

com nigh 

Koda’s face was cold and gloomy as he walked in followed by his secretary. 

When Jordan saw this man, he remembered the humiliation he had suffered that night, and his eyes could not help but darken a little. 

“Director Xavier… Director Xavier!” 

Jenna cried at him with tears in her eyes. Her delicate eye makeup was ruined. “Director Xavier! You must help me! I was wronged. I was cheated by someone else!” 


At this moment, Koda’s expression was even more stiff. He pursed his lips. 

He had always been very unscrupulous in his private life. Two months ago, this Jenna appeared in a high-class club under Xavy Group. It was at that time that they got together. 

In his eyes, this woman was like a malnourished junk food. After eating and vomiting chicken bones, they should not have any more connections. 

Unexpectedly, she actually chased him here. Not only did she embarrass herself, she even dragged him in! 

Koda’s cold gaze stung Jenna’s legs, causing him to tremble and take a step back. 

“Miss Thorp, what’s going on? Why did you mobilize so many people?” Koda turned to ask with a smile. 

“Director Xavier, your girlfriend, Miss Mole, came here to mess up our Thorp family’s place. She hurt my secretary and humiliated my sister.” 

“I thought about it. The person who solved the bell should be the one who tied the bell. This debt must not only be settled with Miss Mole, but also with Director Xavier.” 

“After all, I can endure anything, but I can’t bear to see someone hurt my family. My mother is very protective.” 

The fake smile on Koda’s face froze and he gritted his teeth. 

He did not expect that Chloe would not care about the relationship between the two families at all. For such a rotten woman, she had to go against his face! 

“Sister…” Kiran’s eyes flashed. He tugged at her skirt, his heart somewhat worried. 

“Miss Thorp, I don’t quite understand what you’re saying.” 

Koda smiled coldly. “I only met her once. We met by chance. What reason do I have to protect her? What reason does Miss Thorp have to settle accounts with me?” 

“Director Xavier…” Jenna looked at this heartless man with a pale face. 

A few days ago, she even served him in bed to the point of wanting to die. She played all kinds of perverted tricks with him. Why did she not recognize him when she put on her pants 

“Oh? I see.” 

Chloe’s beautiful eyes curved, and her smile was evil. She looked like a beautiful little fox. “Since that’s the case, I’ll take Miss Jenna to the banquet hall later and let everyone, especially Miss Selene, get to know this highly skilled and bold Miss Mole.” 

Jenna was so scared that she was about to cry! 

When Koda heard this, her face instantly turned pale. She stared at Chloe with a hidden hostility. “Miss Thorp, what do want to do?” 

“I don’t want to do anything either.” 


“As the saying goes, even if you beat a dog, you have to look at the owner. I just hope that whoever raises the dog will be the one to clean it up.” 

“After all, I am a girl. Because of this kind of person, it is not very respectable, isn’t it?”. 

Koda finally understood. 

Not only was Chloe taking revenge on Jenna, she was also making things difficult for him! 

They have no grudges against each other, we haven’t seen each other for more than ten years, so why… 

Suddenly, Koda inadvertently glanced at Jordan. 

Heh, so that’s how it is. I’m afraid that Chloe already knows what happened that night. 

A dog that really knows how to bite doesn’t bark! 

“Director Xavier… please help me! Save me!” Jenna staggered towards Koda but was stopped by the secretary. 

“Apologize to Miss Thorp and Ninth Miss.” Koda looked at her coldly. 

“I’m sorry… It’s my dog eyes that don’t recognize Mt. Tai. I was blind! I’m sorry… I’m sorry!” Jenna bowed and apologized to them with red eyes. 

Kiran looked at Chloe with bright eyes. Her admiration for her was as endless as the surging river. 

This man was Xavy Group’s CEO. Medo was currently in the limelight. Other than him, it was Joseph. 

However, in Chloe’s place, regardless of whether it was thay scum or Sawle guy, she would stomp him until he exploded. She would not give him any face at all. 


“Just saying thank you, and you’re already done?” Chloe’s cool and elegant beauty was instantly covered with frost. 

“Secretary Covell.” Koda rubbed his cheek bones. 

“Yes, Director Xavier.” 

Secretary Covell understood and raised his arm without a word, smacking Jenna’s face with his big mouth! 



Four slaps in a row directly knocked the woman to the ground, her mouth full of blood! 

Kiran was frightened and quickly turned his face away. 

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid. Sister is here. It’s a small scene.” 

Chloe pulled her sister into her arms and gently stroked the back of her neck. Then she glanced at Jordan angrily. “Jordan, you are also the same. Ninth Miss was so scared, but you didn’t come to comfort her.” 

Hearing this, Kiran’s little face suddenly turned red. 

“Young Miss, I…” Jordan was embarrassed and his heart was beating fast. 

“Alright, alright. There isn’t much time left. Let’s go out and comfort her again.” 

As she spoke, Chloe held Kiran’s arm and stood up, walking straight in the direction of the door: 

“This banquet hall is quite hidden. Usually, no one will come over, so I left it to Director Xavier to deal with the aftermath.” 

But soon, the banquet is about to begin. 

Bang -! 

The door was closed. 

Ten minutes later, Koda and his secretary came out. 


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