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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 281

Chloe couldn’t help but sit up straight. Her heart was beating faster and she stared at the stage. 

Fran was the closest person to her sister. She immediately sensed the fluctuation in her mood and glanced at her sister with a deeper look. 

The eyes of the audience once again shifted from Jerome to the stage. 

“Hehe! The gift from my grandson, the gift from my grandson!” Rory patted Oscar on the left and Draco on the right. He was extremely excited. 

He knew that his little grandson would definitely make a move. How could he let Xavier family, who seemed to have a lot of tricks up his sleeves, steal all the limelight? 

“Hey hey, Draco, I see your little son’s attitude… Could it be that he is interested in Raya?” Rory asked with confidence. His white eyebrows raised. 


“Ah… cough cough, that’s Chloe. I’m used to her nickname.” Rory did not change his tone. 

“Our fourth brother has been wild since he was young. I really don’t know what he thinks.” Draco pursed his lips. “You still don’t know?” 

Rory pressed the tip of his tongue against his cheek and smiled mischievously, “Thorp family and Third Madam are celebrating their birthday. Your youngest son is an antique from the Qing Dynasty that is worth more than 30 million. If this isn’t a favor for Stefan, then what is it?” 

It seems that your youngest son really cares about Chloe. 

“I’m not too sure about the matters between young people.” Draco’s smile was a little stiff. 

“That being said, I still have to say more.” 

“Chloe, ah, She will definitely be with my little grandson in the future.” Rory leaned back comfortably and raised his eyebrows proudly. 

“So, as an elder, you should advise you little son. There are plenty of flowers in the world. With Fourth Young Master Xavier’s talent and appearance, he will definitely find a more suitable one. Don’t waste precious time on impossible people.” Draco was stunned and could only smile in embarrassment. 

Even Oscar, who was next to him, changed his expression and quietly curved his lower lip. 

This Old Master Sawle, when he spoke and did things, he really did not follow the rules, which showed how much personality and boldness he was when he was young. 

Under the shadow, his delicate and handsome face was covered with a layer of frost. 

He thought that Joseph would give him a present, but he did not expect that his actions would be so high-profile. It was completely beyond his expectations! 

At this time, the master of ceremonies had already brought up another tray covered in red cloth and placed it on the display table. 

At the same time, steady footsteps came from behind Jerome. 

His eyes turned coldly and he saw that Joseph was cold and noble, calmly and calmly walking out of everyone’s sight. “Third Madam, this is a birthday present for you.” 

Joseph stood next to Jerome. He was so handsome that he looked as if he had walked out of a painting. His peach blossom eyes were bright and dazzling. “Junior wishes you a happy birthday.” 

That generous and courteous appearance, he was definitely an exceptional young master. 

Rory smiled from ear to ear. No matter how she looked at it, her grandson was better than the glasses guy beside her! 

Chloe looked at Joseph, her beautiful eyes slightly narrowed, her mood complicated. 

In fact, at this moment, she was more curious about what gift cur had chosen to give Sia. 

Jerome’s starting point was an expensive and unique antique. If nothing went wrong, it should be the best. 

What other treasures could he take out to surpass Fourth Young Master Xavier? 

“Thank you for your blessing, Mr. Sawle. I am very happy that you and Old Master Sawle can come to my birthday 

banquet. I am very honored.” Sia gracefully returned the greeting, gentle and generous, making people feel as if they were bathing in the spring breeze. 



Stefan looked at Joseph simperingly. Although he did not express anything on the surface, he was really unhappy in his 


One had to know that this rascal in front of him was the one who had deeply hurt his precious Chloe! 

Just this, Joseph still had the nerve to show his face in Thorp family’s place? 

Hmph, his psychological quality is quite strong. 

“The gift that I prepared is not something particularly expensive, but I want to show my sincerity. My gift represents my sincerity. I hope that Third Madam will like it too much.” Joseph’s attitude was neither servile nor overbearing, modest and gentle. 

Chloe supported her chin with one hand and stared at cur, raising his eyebrows. 

He, who had always been cold and proud, like Gaoling’s flower, rarely had such an amiable and approachable side. 

Tsk, he really knows how to act. 

“Since it’s a token of appreciation from Sawle family and Second Young Master, let’s take a look.” Stefan opened his mouth slightly and put on a reluctant expression. 

Sia smiled bitterly. He really carved his hatred for Joseph into his DNA. 

Jerome secretly observed Stefan’s expression and felt like laughing. 

What’s the use of you, Joseph? You have deeply hurt Chloe, and you have offended the entire Thorp family. 

The sins you have committed are like a hole in the sky, and no matter what, it is useless. 

Sia and Stefan lifted the red cloth together 

Inside the transparent glass box was a phoenix crown made of gold and inlaid with pearls! 

In an instant, her pupils contracted, and her heart beat wildly. Her eyes turned red. 

“Sia? Sia? What happened to you?” Stefan sensed that something was wrong with her. He pinched her wet and hot hand and asked softly. 

Sia snapped back to reality. Tears welled up in his clear eyes. He steadied his emotions and revealed the most delighted smile he had ever had. 

“Stefan, I really like the gift that Mr. Sawle gave me. I really like it.” 

The gentle voice spread through the microphone to the entire banquet hall. Everyone heard this heartfelt sigh. 

Thorp family and everyone else were stunned, including Chloe! 

She didn’t understand. This phoenix-crown that looked like it only had exquisite craftsmanship but didn’t have any good quality material. No matter how she looked at it, it looked like a prop from a movie drama. How did it suddenly hit Sia’s heart? 

“Sia, I don’t quite understand…” Stefan was a little confused. 

Sia was not in a hurry to explain, but his eyes were bright. He forced himself to suppress his excitement and looked at Joseph, “Mr. Sawle, may I ask, where did you find this phoenix crown?” 

“It’s a long story. I found it from a retired old prop master after several twists and turns.” 

“He has been keeping this golden crown. I wanted to buy it at a high price, but the old master refused to sell it.” 

“Later, I expressed my intentions and said that I wanted to give it to you as a birthday present. The old master was moved 

gave it to me without saying a word. Only then did I have the fortune to get it.” 


As soon as he finished speaking, Sia was so excited that tears appeared at the end of her eyes. She asked softly, “Was it Master Winch who originally worked in the film crew of the Peerless Beauty?” 

“Yes.” Joseph nodded. 

Sia covered her mouth and almost couldn’t suppress the urge 

to cry. 

Chloe was stunned and quickly searched for Peerless Beauty with her mobile phone. 

It turned out that this was an old drama more than twenty years ago. At that time, once it was broadcasted on TS TV, it caused a phenomenal sensation! 

And the female lead who played the Queen in the drama was Sia. 

Sia was also famous because of this drama. Her family name was well-known. TS even specially built a separate stage for Sia during the celebration, so that she could pretend to be the Empress of Qingcheng in the drama to sing and receive countless flowers and applause. 

And the classic image that Sia had created in the drama, the Empress of Qingcheng, was wearing this phoenix crown on her 




“No wonder… No wonder…” Chloe suddenly realized and looked at Joseph with soft 

This time, it was cur who won, and it was numb. 


Even if she did not like Joseph, she had to admit that the gift he gave this time was really sincere and sincere. 

His tone was light, but she could hear how much time and energy he had put in to get this phoenix crown that was of extraordinary significance to Sia. It was a gift that he had really prepared with his heart. 

It was a lie to say that he was not moved at all. 

Stefan quietly listened and was greatly moved. He looked at Joseph with a gaze that was not as hostile as before. “Joseph, you are considerate.” 

“You sent this gift very attentively. It can be seen that you have worked hard. Thank you for your hard work.” 

“Director Thorp, you are too polite.” Joseph’s face was calm, but he was so happy that his heart beat wildly. His ten fingers were intertwined and clenched. 


Director Thorp actually called him… Joseph! 

This kind of excited feeling was like a wife who had been married for a thousand years. It was like he, who had endured the cold treatment of Chloe for thirteen years, had finally been recognized by the father-in-law of a rich family! 

Tonight, he was afraid that it would be hard to sleep through the night! 

When Jerome saw that Joseph was getting better and had even received Director Thorp’s praise, a wave of anger surged through his chest like a giant wheel! 

He was extremely shrewd and knew how to attack the heart the most, but he never expected that he would lose to Joseph in a mere gift! 

It was simply intolerable! 

“In addition, I have another gift. It’s a bit of my grandfather and I” 

“On behalf of Sawle Group, my grandfather and I will donate three hundred million dollars to Sia’s foundation for charity.” 


Three hundred million! 

Sawle Group was indeed generous! 

Stefan’s sharp eagle eyes lit up as he nodded his head lightly. 

This brat, even though he was scum, his way of doing things was still pretty decent. 

Compared to Director Thorp’s 500 million, Joseph had paid 300 million. He lowered his head slightly, showing that he was very polite. 

He directly covered Jerome! 

When Rory heard what his grandson said, he smiled in approval and gave Joseph a thumbs up. 

Originally, he also planned to donate later, which was exactly what he wanted. 

When Draco saw that the opportunity had come, he raised his hand leisurely and laughed heartily, “Lalso donate! Just a little less than you, Stefan. Four hundred million!” 

“This is too interesting!” 

Since Sawle Group had made his move, it was impossible for Xavy Group, who was on par with Medo, to not make a move! 

Otherwise, he would lose face! 

“Thanks!” Stefan smiled and waved at him. 

Wow, in the eyes of these two business bigwigs, a few hundred million yuan was as casual as throwing money! 

“Dad donated four hundred million yuan to Thorp family? This is too much of a loss!” Patt muttered in dissatisfaction. 

“In Dad’s opinion, if four hundred million yuan can be exchanged for the face lost by Fourth, then the money spent will not be a loss.” Koda looked at Jerome’s stiff and pale face and smiled teasingly. 

After sending the gift, Joseph and Jerome both walked back. 

“Mr. Sawle, I really didn’t expect you to be so good at playing tricks. You are a calculating person. Thank you for your hard work.” 



“This time, I will let you do it once, but only this time.” Jerome said. 

“Pay attention to your word, Fourth Young Master Xavier.” 

“You didn’t let me, but lost to me.” Joseph raised his chin slightly. 


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