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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 312

Chapter 312

“Joseph! You bastard! Don’t touch me! Put me down!” 

Chloe’s face instantly turned red. She twisted her waist, and her slender white legs swayed up and down restlessly. 

The hand that was originally holding the man’s clothes turned into a small pink hammer, pounding hard at his firm chest. His hands were hurting. It was like scratching an itch to Joseph. He was enjoying it! 

“I told you to listen to me, but you didn’t listen. If you didn’t listen, I could only hug you.” 

Joseph’s long eyelashes were lowered and her brows were cold, but the gaze that swept past her eyes still contained an undisguisable affection. 

He could not control it. 

If he could control it, was it still called love? 

“Why should I listen to you? Who are you? I won’t listen! I won’t listen!” Chloe was so embarrassed that her cheeks became redder and redder, and she struggled even harder. 

“If you don’t behave yourself, I’ll kiss you.” Joseph swallowed hard and narrowed his eyes. 

“Beast!” Chloe’s body shrank and she bit her lower lip in horror. 

The man raised his thin lips and suddenly let go of her! 


Chloe suddenly closed her eyes and was so scared that she was covered in sweat. Her snow-white arms directly hugged Joseph’s neck. 

The man’s expression was still cold, but his dark eyes were tinged with gentleness. 

Just like that, Joseph dragged Chloe upstairs, leaving the group of people behind. 

This caused Anderson family to lose his face. 

But now that they were here, if they left without discussing the marriage, wouldn’t they lose face? 

“Dad, what do you think… what should we do now?” 


“Joseph’s attitude is obviously because she doesn’t want to accept Zoey, and she doesn’t even want to talk to us…” Madam Anderson asked 


“Grandpa… are you going to watch me get bullied like this? I am your granddaughter!” Zoey was sobbing so hard that she couldn’t speak. 

If not for the fact that Maddox still had the composure of a big shot, an old man from an ordinary family would probably have already started to curse and swear! 

However, he couldn’t bear it any longer! 

“Director Sawle, is this how you explain this to me My granddaughter was almost completely ruined by your son, but your son is still arguing with his ex-wife in front of us… Do you think our Anderson Group is easy to bully” 

In a fit of anger, Maddox picked up the teacup on the coffee table and fiercely threw it on the ground! 

Anderson family’s bodyguards, as if throwing a cup, suddenly 

surrounded him, scaring Aubree to the point that his face was drained of blood, and he hid behind Jake. 

Anderson Group started out from the underworld, and Medo was known by everyone! 

Right now, he was simply going to fight Sawle family to the death! 

“Director Huo, what are you doing?” “We, Sawle family, are not easy to bully either!” Jake’s eyes were also red. 

“Hmph, don’t worry. This is a society ruled by law. The days where people often shout and shout and kill, I have also gotten tired of living.” “I just want to tell you that Second Young Master Sawle’s actions tonight made me very angry. No one can say what will happen to me if I get angry!” 

Jake clenched his fists, almost unable to contain his anger! 

Wasn’t this a naked threat? 

However, what kind of family was Anderson Group? He was one of the top ten financial groups in the country. His industries were all over Asia. Although he was not as prominent as Thorp family and was not ranked as the richest man, if Anderson Group, who had always been neutral, joined hands with his sworn enemy, Xavier family, then he would have a hard time! 


“Grandpa, you are really disobedient. I have only been away for a few days, and you can’t wait to find trouble with Uncle Sawle’s family?” 

The cold and oppressive footsteps of leather shoes resounded in the hall. 

Vincent’s handsome and charming face entered everyone’s surprised field of vision. 

Aubree saw that his eyes were bright as if he had found a diamond mine. One must know that this man was her future aunt! 

The eldest young master Anderson family was her son-in-law. She would wake up laughing even in her dreams! Those rich and powerful ladies who had ignored her and looked down on her before could only chase after her and fawn on him! 

“Eldest young master!” All the bodyguards bowed in unison. 

“Vincent, why did you run over here?” Maddox’s face sank. 

“What can I do here? Of course I’m looking for Joseph.” 

Vincent coldly glanced at Anderson family and the others. The bodyguards were so scared that they kept quiet out of fear and quickly lowered their heads. “Fortunately, I came. If I didn’t come, would I miss this good show?” 

In fact, he had received the news from his little girlfriend, Annie. 

Originally, he was talking about projects outside. Annie’s little wife was watching a drama with Yoona alone in the villa. Halfway through, she received a call from her maid, Nina. She said that Joseph had encountered some trouble and Anderson family’s people came to force the marriage. It made a mess. She was worried about her second brother, so she contacted Vincent to help out. 

The little wife had a request and Mr. Anderson had to agree. Moreover, the other party was his best brother. He did not talk about big business. He directly sped over. 

“Good, good. Then hurry up and invite your brother down!” Maddox’s face was full of anger. 

“I can’t do that.” 

Vincent also saw Chloe’s car and knew that she was here. At this moment, she must be with Joseph. She could not help but smile with relief. “I am having an affectionate relationship with Miss Thorp. Why do I have no eyesight and have to be a third wheel?” 

“I don’t do such an annoying thing.” 


Zoey trembled with anger and stared at her brother with resentment! 

Vincent saw the look in her eyes, and for a moment, his chest was incomparably painful, incomparably sad. 

This was his biological sister. He had held her in his arms since she was an infant, the little sister that he had raised with one hand. Now, she was coldly staring at him, as if she was looking at her mortal enemy. 

That innocent, innocent little girl who often hugged him, pestered him, and shouted for him to buy her dolls and ice cream, seemed to really be dead. 

“Feelings of affection… You and I?!” 

“Didn’t Miss Thorp divorce Mr. Sawle a long time ago? How is that possible?” Madam Anderson asked anxiously. 

“What’s impossible about relationships?” 

“Grandpa, in terms of family background, looks, and talents, Miss Thorp is better than our child.” Vincent’s eyes suddenly turned cold. 

Maddox choked and was greatly deflated. 

If he hadn’t seen Chloe, he could have retorted. 

However, he had just met Chloe. What kind of girl was she? She had a painting that was difficult to describe. She was a beauty with no flowers. In all fairness, his granddaughter was like a young girl who had not yet grown up. She was indeed not comparable to Miss Thorp. 

“Are you sure you want Zoey to snatch a man from Miss Thorp?” Not to mention whether she would offend Thorp family or not, even if she would not, with a beauty like Miss Thorp in front of her, Joseph would probably not look at Zoey more, right? ” Vincent sat on the sofa very naturally, as if he had come to his own home. 

“Vincent, you are Zoey’s biological brother. How can a biological brother talk about his sister like that?” 

Madam Anderson was so angry that he almost vomited blood. “If Joseph had no interest in Zoey, how could it have happened that night? Could it be that someone held a gun against his head and forced him to see Zoey” “Although no one held a gun against Joseph’s head, there were people behind the scenes who came up with ideas for Zoey and came up with such a flawless plan to trick Joseph to meet her at the hotel.” Vincent crossed his legs and looked at Zoey with a chilling gaze! 


Was there a hidden reason behind this? 

“Mr. Anderson, is that really the case?” 

Aunt Gill could not help but pat his thigh and said angrily, “I knew it! Our young master is a person who has a pure heart and few desires. I watched him grow up since I was a child. I don’t believe that he is a man who would be wrong when he sees a woman and can’t control the lower half of his body!” 

If he really is, Mrs. Sawle can’t love our young master so much! There must be something wrong with him! 

“What do you mean by that? Are you saying that my daughter is improper and that she has ruined your young master” 

“I didn’t say that. You said it yourself.” Aunt Gill rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue. 

In any case, she had lived for a long time. She was neither married nor had any children. Her only weakness was the young master. She was not afraid of any rich or powerful people! 

“You! You old mother!” 

Madam Anderson covered her aching chest and looked at Aubree angrily. “Madam Sawle!” Are all your servants so rude? How dare you speak to guests like this?” 

“Aiya, Madam Anderson, you saw it just now. Aunt Gill’s position in our Joseph’s heart is higher than ours. How could we dare to interfere?” Aubree had a difficult expression on her face. She was happy to see Madam Anderson choking her. 

“Big brother! You don’t have any evidence… How can you slander my innocence” Zoey trembled. She looked like she was crying, but she was actually angry. 

“Who said I didn’t?” 


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