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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184 Coaxing Children

Natalie interrupted coldly, “Yandel, are you asking me to betray myself?”

“Boss, Samuel has never seen you. So, you’re not really betraying anyone.”

“Stop it! Or I’ll cut your tongue.”

“I’m just joking. You’re too cruel.” Yandel pursed his lips with an aggrieved look.

“Don’t ever mention this in front of me again. People are always chasing after things they can’t have. Maybe Samuel is just trying to impress me by doing that. He may no longer appreciate me once he has me. A woman who likes to cling to a man is like a vine that grows on a tree. Once the tree no longer provides nutrients, the delicate vines will soon wither and die.” Natalie narrowed her eyes and said lightly.

Her voice was soft, but she seemed resolute in her words.

Upon hearing that, Yandel was stunned.

She’s really not an ordinary woman.

“The dragonblood fruit is rumored to be put up for sale in this auction. Reckon it’ll cost a princely sum. I’ll attend and try to get it,” said Yandel to Natalie.

“Got it.”

After Natalie finished her work and stepped out of the bedroom, she saw the three little ones sitting neatly at the dining table, waiting for her.

“Mommy, I made your favorite steak today.” Xavian lifted the creamy yellow lid. The delicious aroma of the steaks made Natalie, Franklin, and Sophia salivate.

“Thank you, sweetheart.”

Natalie then pulled out the chair and sat down.

Shortly afterward, she noticed that Franklin’s and Sophia’s expressions had suddenly darkened.

“What’s wrong with you guys?” Natalie asked while she took a bite of her food.

“Natalie, you call Xavian a sweetheart. What about me? I’m better than him in other things other than cooking,” Franklin said unhappily, pursing his lips.


Blinking her eyes, Sophia also asked sadly, “Am I not good enough?”


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