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A Girl Adopted by Wolves novel Chapter 20

I was laughing so hard, my eyes started to water. Imagine the very same guy ordering me earlier, sitting on the ground with books scattered around, trying to figure out what is written in them. He looked so hilarious. I know it's the lamest thing to laugh at but I can't stop myself. I stopped laughing and wiped my eyes. Leo was already glaring at me. Aaron and Carter were giving me 'are you insane' look. I cleared my throat and stood straight.

"What is so funny?" Leo asked seriously folding his hands on his chest but I can see the pink tint on his cheeks. Aww I made the Alpha blush.

"Nothing.", I said trying to act serious but failed miserably. Keep it together Amy.

"Why did you guys barge in my room?" he asked.

"I have to call my brother." I said trying to keep a straight face.

"As much as I know, you don't have any brother." He said narrowing his eyes.

"Then you don't know anything about me." I said annoyed.

"Just go sleep Amara and let me finish my homework." He said irritated.

"Do you mean, try to figure out what is written in those books?" I joked.

"You are talking like you are smarter than me." He said smirking.

"Oh I am brother." I said grinning.

"Prove it princess." He replied. I gasped.

Leo looked confused at what he said. Crap!! Does he remember anything or it just came out accidently?

"Go sleep." He ordered.

"Yeah.", so he accidently said it.

I turned around and left the room with the other two in tow. I laid on one of couch and Aaron on the other. I know Aaron wanted to talk but I closed my eyes. Can't let any more information leak to them. I should tell papa and Ryder about it or they will go searching for me like last time.

'Papa you there.'

'Where the hell are you? Do you know what time it is? Get home in ten minutes tops or I will be there the eleventh minute. Do you understand me? Your ass is grounded when you get back here.' Ryder started shouting angrily. But I can sense the worry in his voice which he failed to cover.

'Let her talk would you.' papa snapped. That shut him up.

'Thanks papa.'

'Where are you?' he asked.

'I am at the shifter alpha's house. They are not letting me go. We came here because of the storm but they accidently saw the pack symbol on my shoulder. They are taking me to some meeting place tomorrow for interrogation. Aaron is with me as well. Should I tell them the truth?' I replied.

'I am so sorry princess for shouting at you. Should I come get you?' Ryder said apologetically. My sweet big brother.

'It's okay Ryder and don't do anything irrational. I will be back tomorrow.' I replied.

'If things get out of hand tell them everything. Do you want me and your brother to be there for safety?' Papa asked.

'Oh come on papa. They are not going to hurt me. I don't think it will be necessary. Even if they don't remember anything, we are still a family.' I replied getting a bit emotional. I really miss them.

'As you wish princess. If you feel anything suspicious tell me so I can be there in time. Okay?' Those two care too much about me.

'Yup and Aaron is one of the shifter's mate. His name is Carter.'

'It's a great news. So only three shifter's are without mate then.'

'Yeah I know right. Okay I am really sleepy. Good night.'

'Good night.'


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