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A Girl Adopted by Wolves novel Chapter 23

I opened my eyes and closed them again because of the ache that coursed through my head. I found myself face to face with the same side table and the lamp in the room where Abigail patched my wound. A gush of hot air tickled my neck, widening my eyes in fear. Oh my god something is breathing on my neck. I looked down to find a hand on my waist. A person is wrapped around me tightly. I can't even move my head to see who the person is. I screamed and that person fell off of the bed. I jumped out of the bed and picked the first thing that came in my hand, a pillow. I mean really, a pillow. Well something is better than nothing. The person groaned and got up. He is the same guy who kissed me earlier. How dare he?

"Why did you scream?" he said rubbing his eyes. Then his eyes widened and he grinned at me. Talk about weird. "Oh my god you are awake."

He ran towards me and was about to hug me but I smacked him in the head with the pillow, really hard.

"Ow why did you do that for?" he said rubbing his head.

"What the hell were you doing in the same bed as me?" I asked keeping my distance.

"You fainted and didn't wake up for the whole day. I got sleepy at night but didn't want to leave you alone. So I slept in the same bed as you." He ratted like a child, grinning at that. I was out for the entire day? How is that possible? Oh my God papa and Ryder are going to flip.

"What do you mean I didn't wake up for the whole day?" I said horrified "I will surely qualify for the world record in fainting. What time is it? Oh my god school, its Monday. Where is Aaron? ", I started blabbering.

"Calm down baby." I smacked him again "Why do you keep hitting me all the time?"

"I am not your baby." I snapped.

"Off course you are. I mean you are my mate and I know you know what mates are. So I can call you anything I want. You are mine." He said frowning like it was so obvious.

I glared at him. How dare he? Just because I am his mate doesn't mean he owns me. I started smacking him again.

"I am not your property so stop treating me like that." I said in between every smack.

He took the pillow out of my hands and threw it to the other side of the room. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"You didn't answer my questions."

"Everybody's already in school including Aaron. You were unconscious for the whole day yesterday. We tried to wake you up but you didn't wake up. So we let you sleep and I was watching over you. It's after 9 in the morning so you can't go to the school now." He said blushing profusely. Why is he blushing? He looks embarrassed.

"Does squeezing me when I was asleep like a boa constrictor qualifies in the watching over category?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

He blushed even more if that’s possible," I might have did that unconsciously." Aww he is so cute. Whoa! Hold on there. Bad Amara. Do not call him cute.

"Okay. By the way what is your name?" I asked.

"Oh I am sorry. I didn't even introduce myself. I am Asher Wilson. The third in command of this pack." He said puffing his chest a bit. Talk about a nut case.

So his wolf is Hunter. My stomach growled loudly. Uhhh I haven't ate a single bite since yesterday. I blushed. Way to embarrass me Mr. Stomach.

"I should get going." I said moving towards the door.

"No you are not going anywhere. Common let's go eat." Hmm so I am still under their radar. They do not seem to let me out of their site yet.

"No I have to freshen up and all. I will just go home and come back at the time school ends. I promise I will come back." I need to talk to papa and Ryder too. They must be worried sick.

"I know you won't run away. You just woke up. Let's eat first and I will take you there." He gave me a no argument look and I am too hungry to retort back.


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