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A Girl Adopted by Wolves novel Chapter 26

Papa came out of the trees with Ryder right behind him. They were both growling and baring their teeth. Okay who stepped on their tails? Whoever that was will be pretty much dead by the looks of it. Everyone was looking at them with their mouth wide open, except for Aaron and I. Asher was holding my hand pretty tight. Papa growled really loud. I don't know what happened, but every shifter bowed their head to them. Their mates were shaking with fear. Which sane person wouldn't, seeing two huge wolf ghosts?

"What is going on guys?" I asked them.

"Come here this instant." papa ordered me.

I was about to move but Asher jerked me back and stood in front of me protectively still bowing his head. I didn't knew papa is that much powerful. Papa and Ryder growled at his action.

"Do you mind letting go of my hand, I need to talk to them." I said to Asher.

"They are dangerous Amy. Don't go near them. They can hurt us. We need to get out of here quickly." Asher said worried. He looked scared himself.

"He is right Amy. We don't even know what they are. They don't seem like normal wolves." Leo said.

Papa growled loudly at what they said. Wrong words buddy.

"Did you guys even listen to what I said earlier in the house? Why the hell would they hurt me or any of us?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Leo questioned.

"Wow!! How stupid can you guys be?" I got in front of everyone with my back towards papa and Ryder," Ladies and gentlemen meet my father, alpha for you and older brother Ryder, alpha of your next generation."

Everyone were looking at me like I had completely lost my mind. I rolled my eyes at them and turned my back towards them facing Ryder and papa. Why are they so angry? I don't remember doing anything. Maybe papa is mad because I missed my training. I should apologize before it's too late.

"If this is about me missing my training then I have a fairly good reason for doing so. Please stop growling. You are scaring the hell out of me." I said smiling innocently. Sprinting would be a more rational reaction.

"We are not mad at you. That shifter tried to kill you princess and I am going to kill him for hurting my pup." Papa snarled.

Papa came near me and I hugged him.

"You don't have to kill him. I calmed him down. He just lost control for a moment." I reasoned.

"Doesn't matter to me. I am going to rip his head from his body." Oh no. This is turning dirty.

My eyes widened. Oh no. I looked at Mathew, his eyes were wide with fear. Abigail started crying.

"Papa please. Think about his mate and he is part of our family. Just this once. Please. Ryder talk to him." I pleaded. Papa looked at Ryder, daring him to defy.

"I am not going to say anything on this matter. I am mad myself. But killing would be an extreme step." Ryder said with a growl.

"I don't care. Nobody gets their hands on my pups and comes out alive." Papa snarled.

"Papa please just this once." I gave him my best puppy dog eyes but he huffed at me. But this works every single time. What should I do now?

"What are they talking about Amy? Why do they want to kill Mathew?” Leo asked.

"He wants to punish Mathew for hurting me." I mumbled.

"But isn't killing too much." He stated outraged.

"I am telling him the same thing, but he won't budge." I said irritated.

"With all due respect alpha, please calm down and think again." Leo said to papa.

"Papa you are over reacting. Please just this once." I pleaded.

"Fine.", he looked straight towards Mathew," If you hurt my pup again, I won't think even once before killing you."

"Yes alpha. I wasn't thinking straight. I apologize for my behaviour." Mathew said going on his knees.

"Okay I am forgiving you this time. Repeat your actions and the consequences will be severe." Papa said in a stern voice.


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