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A Girl Adopted by Wolves novel Chapter 5

On the Monday morning, I woke up early so I can reach the school on time, as I live in the middle of the nowhere. School starts at eight in the morning. Papa gave me a day off yesterday on training to rest. Thank the heavens for that. God I don't want to walk all the way there. I should just ask Ryder or Tyler to drop me off somewhere near the school. I heard a quick 'Gotcha sis' from Tyler. This mind link thing sucks sometimes. Your most embarrassing secrets are also broadcasted without your consent to everybody in the pack. Well, I got a ride to the school so I won't complain about it now. I got ready and walked out of the door. Tyler was already waiting for me there. I climbed on his back and he dropped me off in the forest area near the school. From there it's only a five minute walk.

Greycoast high is a medium sized school. As the town is small, everyone knows each other from diapers. I hope there won’t be a lot of staring. As I was about to enter the school building I saw Elena get out of her car. Dad bought a car for her as a welcome home gift for traveling to the school. Everybody was staring at her and that got me to sneak into the building without being noticed. Elena is gorgeous with pale skin, strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. She got her hair from our mother and eyes from our father. While for me it's the opposite. No one can tell that we are sisters and I don’t think she wants it to be known that I am related to her in anyways possible. Yes, I still address them as mother and father. It would be disrespectful not to. They did gave birth to me. I wouldn't be here if they would have decided otherwise. I am grateful to them for bringing me in this world.

I hurried towards the office to get my schedule and to start with the day. Papa told me that the shifters go to the other school on the outskirts of Greycoast as they can't stand the vampires presence. The vampires are enrolled in this school. Papa never told me who they are but I will find out eventually. Well if I spot some illegally gorgeous people walking anywhere, I will know it’s them. Right? It is a family of five. Three kids, a mother and a father. They are not actually related though. They just roll together as a family. He said it’s more convenient for them to blend in. They don't drink blood directly from humans. They opt for the blood banks. Enough with the vampires. I should go to my class or I will be late on the first freaking day here. I collected my schedule from the office lady and was about to leave when the door opened and in came Elena. Well, this isn't awkward. We were staring at each other when the bell rang. She went to collect her schedule and I set out towards my first class.

My schedule was Biology, Calculus, Lunch, Spanish, History and English. So biology it is. I didn't have time for the locker as the bell has already rang so I made a mad dash towards biology class. As I entered the class, every eyes were on me. I swallowed the lump in my throat and went towards the teacher. I gave him the slip to be signed. Mr. Bush gave me my book and told me to introduce myself.

"I am Amara Cross. I am from Esterden. I love to hike." I said in a monotone.

"Take the seat next to Mr. Miller. He will be your lab partner this semester. Aaron raise your hand please." Mr. Bush said.

Aaron raised his hand and I started walking towards my seat. Aaron looked like a kind person. He is cute with light brown hair, pale skin and those cute dimples when he smiled. Most people were pale skinned here. Maybe due to lack of exposure to the sun. I sat down on my assigned seat.

"Hey. I am Aaron Miller. Nice to meet you." Aaron said.

"Amara Cross. Nice to meet you too." I replied.

The door opened and Elena entered the class. This is like Deja vu. But why do we have the same first period? Someone kill me now. I don't hate her or anything. It's just I don't want things to be awkward for her or me. She went to Mr. Bush and gave him her slip to sign. He gave her a book and told her to introduce herself.

"I am Elena Cross. I am from Esterden. I like reading." She said with a smile.

Mr. Bush told her to take the seat in front of me were a guy was sitting. He had unruly coper brown hair, black eyes and as usual pale skin. But his skin was too pale. Mr. Bush said his name is Alexander Knight. Elena took her sit, throwing a quick glance towards me. Well this is new.


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