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A Girl Adopted by Wolves novel Chapter 9

I am in the woods, running away from something. It's dark here. I can't see clearly and obviously being the clumsy me, I fell down. I tripped on something. Wow! Great timing isn’t it. I looked for what I tripped on. I almost screamed in fright. It's a dead deer ripped into pieces and I tripped on its head. The sound of footsteps is increasing. The thing I am running from is gaining on me. Where am I? I haven't seen this part of the woods before. What am I running from? I tried to get up but my legs feels like they have heavy weight tied to them. Shit I can't move. How the hell am I supposed to run now? I was looking down at my legs when suddenly a figure appeared in front of me. Pale feet that is all I see. His feet looks luminescent. The moon light was reflecting on his skin. I don't have the guts to look up. His hand griped my hairs and pulled my head backwards, so now I was looking straight at him. It's that guy with Alexander in the woods. What's his name? Oliver I think. His mouth is covered with blood. The blood is dripping from his chin, over his bare chest. Then everything came rushing to me. The encounter in the woods, the spirit power and me fainting.

I woke up with a jolt and looked around. The first thing I noticed is that this is not my cabin. I shuddered in fright. The room is definitely bigger than mine and white, all white with black furniture. That’s kind of spooky and in a way, too clean to be true. I am lying in a bed. Did those vampires bring me here after I passed out? The room is beautiful but still gives those creepy vibes. But that's not what I should be thinking about right now. I should just get out of here before they find out that I am awake. The moment I put my foot on the carpeted floor, the door opened and in came a man. He looked to be in his early thirties. He has brownish black hair and light moss green eyes. I must say, he is incredibly handsome. He walked towards me and stood right in front of me, smiling politely or maybe trying not to scare me. Not working buddy.

"William Knight.", he said extending his hand towards me.

"Amara Cross.", I said shaking his hand. His hand is freezing cold. Oh yes, Knight. He is a vampire too. I am definitely going to end up as their dessert. "Where am I?" I wanted to ask this in a firm voice but the words came out of my mouth in a form of strangled screech.

"You are at my house. How are you feeling? You fainted in the jungle. Alex and Oliver brought you here. Do you remember anything?” He asked with concern.

"If you are asking if I remember them mauling a poor deer and taking a bath in its blood. Yup, I do." I said angry and disgusted at the same time. I am a bit scared as well for my fate though.

He grimaced, "Well there is no denying in what you saw. But what are you going to do about it?"

"What do you mean?" I asked a bit taken back by his abrupt question and confused at the same time. Is he for real?

"Are you going to expose us?" He asked with a blank face.

"Why the hell would I do that? Just keep your distance from me and I will be good." I said firmly. Well as firmly as I can manage. They are freaking vampires. Anybody will be scared shitless.

"Aren't you afraid we will kill you right now?" he asked tilting his head to the side like trying to know what I was thinking. Time to play it smart.

"Nahhh. If you really wanted to kill me, we wouldn't be chatting with each other right now." I said with an awkward smile.

I hoping that it is the truth though or I am so dead. Nicely done Amy. You can’t even act to save your own life. The real reason though is that I know you don't drink human blood directly. You use blood from the blood bank. But I am not going to tell him that. I know your family dude.

"True. Let's meet the others.", he stood up and started walking towards the door.

Can’t I just go home? Why the hell does he want me to meet everyone else? I mean it's only two members left, both females. But I am just going to play dumb. Hehehe. They must be thinking about intimidating me, so I won't rat them out to someone. We walked down the stairs and reached a living room. It has a television and furniture to sit around. I saw Alexander and Oliver sitting on the sofa in front of the flat screen watching a football match, their backs to me. We walked further and there is kitchen on the left. Why is there a kitchen? I mean they just need a fridge to store blood right. Out of nowhere two females came in front of me. A squeal escaped my mouth because of the sudden arrival. Human here people. Stop giving me mini heart attacks. One of the females looked like a high schooler. She is gorgeous with icy blue eyes, platinum blonde hair that flowed to her waist and pale skin. The other one looked like to be in her mid or late twenties. She has a cute baby face with brown hairs and green eyes. William motioned me to sit. I complied and sat on the farthest end from the two guys, not so far for them though. They can catch me in blink of an eye if I tried to make a run for it. Oliver switched the flat screen off and everyone sat down, all eyes on me. I blinked nervously and looked at Oliver. I remembered his image from my dream and shuddered a bit. He saw that and started apologizing.

"I am so sorry if I scared you.” ‘If’ he has got to be kidding me. “I was not myself at that time. I can't control myself when I am like that. "


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