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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 306

Chapter 306 I Could Suffocate You To Death 


The stool struck Jacques squarely on the head, knocking him unconscious before he even had a chance to 


A gash appeared on his head, instantly staining his face red with fresh blood. 

Some women at the scene couldn’t help but scream in shock. 

Shaun and the others widened their eyes. 

Finnegan is ferocious! 

They had mustered great courage to lay hands on Jacques, believing that with the unity of their three families and the relationship between Finnegan and the Wahlstrom family, nothing would go wrong. 

But now, Finnegan had directly struck Jacques with a stool without a care for his survival. 

This left them speechless. 

Didn’t he hear Old Mr. Quiroz mention that Mdm. Yeatman from Fleur Villa might be extremely influential in Jipsdale? 

Yet, Finnegan seemed to consider it a trivial matter. He dusted off his hands and said, “Scram!” 

Tyrone’s men dared not protest or kick up a fuss. 

They lifted Jacques, supporting each other as they departed one by one. 

The arrogance they had when they arrived was now replaced by a pitiful departure. 

Finnegan turned around to see everyone looking at him with complex expressions. He couldn’t help but smile and said, “Do you think I have become more handsome again?” 

“Master, you might have stirred up trouble again,” Jerome said with a wry smile, taking over the conversation. “Although I haven’t had direct contact with the lady from Fleur Villa, I have occasionally heard that she is a benefactor to Old Mr. Wahlstrom and has deep connections in Jipsdale. You just beat up her god-grandson, and I’m afraid she won’t let it slide.” 

Finnegan shrugged nonchalantly. “I too am a benefactor of Old Mr. Wahlstrom. As for having a deep background in Jipsdale…” 

He paused, sneering, “Even if she has significant connections in Durbaine, it’s useless. Messing with me comes at a cost. Besides, she needs to stay alive to have a chance to let it go, right?” 

Leaving behind a profoundly meaningful statement, Finnegan retreated to the backyard. 

Seeing he wasn’t concerned, Jerome reluctantly urged everyone to continue welcoming the patients who came to get treated. He also took Kenneth aside to convey the recent conversation with Finnegan. Finnegan returned to the backyard. He had barely sat for a while when Alisha approached with a helpless 


expression. “L..” 

Finnegan raised his hand. “Call your grandpa.” 

At these words, Alisha had to stop talking and dialed Norman’s number, handing the phone to Finnegan. 

Finnegan took the phone, and Norman answered on the other end, “Alisha, is Dr. Larkin angry?” 

“Of course!” Finnegan coldly remarked, “That guy brazenly entered Jerome Medical Clinic, arrogantly driving away my patients. Do you think I wouldn’t be angry?” 

Upon realizing that it was Finnegan on the other end of the phone, Theoden’s tone changed. “Dr. Larkin, well…” 

Finnegan cut him off, “Tell me, what’s the situation with Fleur Villa? What’s your connection to it?” 

After some hesitation, Theoden responded, “I haven’t mentioned this to Alisha and the others. But since you’ve asked, I’ll be honest with you. Dr. Larkin, you’re aware of my humble beginnings, aren’t you?” 

Finnegan nodded. “I have a general idea.” 

Several decades ago, Theoden ventured alone in Jipsdale Initially, he followed a gang leader. However, after the leader was besieged and killed, he switched his allegiance to the current underground king of Jipsdale, Norman Dunn, and they became sworn brothers. 

However, to eliminate the last threat for Norman, Theoden killed someone he shouldn’t have. 

And so, they sought refuge back in their hometown, Bellridge. It was there, by a fortunate twist of fate that they encountered Sawyer, which led to the current success of the Wahlstrom family today. 

Theoden let out a soft sigh. “It is pretty much like that. But the truth is it was a woman who helped me make decisions, whether it was following my first leader or following Norman. Even when I wanted to emigrate years ago, she made me return to my hometown, providing me with a substantial sum of money as startup capital. Later, with guidance from Dr. Aiello, she came to Nuthana to strategize for me. Otherwise, I would have only controlled one part of Nuthana. If it weren’t for her, I would have starved to death long ago, and I wouldn’t be where I am today.” 

Hearing this, Finnegan understood. “That woman is Marisol from Fleur Villa?” 

“Exactly!” Theoden replied, “If it weren’t for my sister-in-law treating me like a younger brother, helping me in various ways since we are both from Nuthana, I would have been nothing!” 


Theoden revealed a secret known to very few. “She is the first wife of my first leader, Jack Zymons, and also the second wife of my leader, Norman. So, I’ve respected her as a sister-in-law for around sixty or seventy years.” 

At this revelation, Finnegan smirked. “So you’re as steadfast as iron while your leader changes? Your sister- in-law sure knows how to play her cards!” 

Seemingly aware of Finnegan’s misunderstanding, Theoden hurriedly explained, “Marisol is not that kind of person. Jacques was ambushed and killed, so Norman avenged Jacques due to his affection for her. Only then did Marisol marry Norman.” 


Finnegan remained puzzled. “But didn’t they say that Norman’s wife died a long time ago?” 

Theoden chuckled, “Marisol is a legendary woman. Although she married Norman, they had an agreement. One of their descendants must have the surname ‘Zymons’ to commemorate the childless Jack. Norman could only have her as his woman and was not allowed to have any other women. However, despite Norman taking control of the entire Jipsdale, he was surrounded by too many women. In the end, he succumbed.” 

Finnegan grasped the situation, “So, Marisol indignantly left Norman and returned to her hometown in Jadeborough to secretly strategize for you, leading to your current success?” 

Theoden replied, “Plus, Norman entrusted me to take care of her. So, I arranged for Fleur Villa for her to live in and later had Tyrone send people to protect her, allowing her to enjoy her later years. But last night, she suddenly collapsed. Dr. Larkin, could you let bygones be bygones and check on her?” 


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