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A Love Rekindled (Nancy and Bruce) novel Chapter 9

I didn't expect such a misunderstanding to occur either.

When I noticed how aggrieved Cindy looked, I quickly said, "You're looking for Ms. Lane, Mr. Ziegler."

John was smart enough to hand the coffee to Cindy immediately.

Cindy glanced at the cup before saying softly, "I don't drink black coffee."

Black coffee was Bruce's favorite. I had it often in the past to develop a habit of drinking it.

John slapped his forehead and said, "Oh dear, I hope you don't mind my terrible memory, Ms. Lane."

Cindy didn't mind at all. She returned to her office and didn't come out for the rest of the afternoon.

The work day soon came to an end. As everyone else left, only Cindy and I remained in the office.

I continued doing my job as usual, until I heard the doorbell ring.

I looked up, only to see Bruce standing outside. He seemed to have just finished work.

I spotted the dried scab on his lip the instant our eyes met and felt irritated.

"Where's Cindy?" He asked, as if the kiss between us last night had never happened. What a clean cut.

I calmly looked at him. "She's still here."

Bruce then headed straight for her office without another word.

Cindy's candy-sweet voice rang out soon after, laced with grievance. "What are you doing here all of a sudden, Bruce?"

"John said you didn't look very well. Are you feeling ill?"

Cindy's voice grew more quiet. "No… Did you hurry over here because you were worried about me?"

I didn't hear Bruce's response, but whatever it was made her tone brighten up immediately. What a harmonious atmosphere.

But Cindy then noticed something odd about Bruce's lip. "What happened to your mouth, Bruce?"

My grip around the mouse tensed briefly as I listened to Bruce's calm answer, "I accidentally bit my lip, is all."

Cindy didn't question it, obedient as she was.

Both she and Bruce left the office together. Cindy went to the washroom while Bruce patiently waited for her.

When he saw I was still working on my computer, he came over and asked, to my surprise, "How's progress?"


"You don't need to rush it. We're not robots." Bruce eyed the desk on my calendar when he said this, where my work schedule was clearly written.

I continued my coding in silence, though for some reason, I felt like Bruce still had more to say.

When the washroom door opened, Bruce quickly whispered, "Don't tell Cindy what happened last night."

My heart dropped. So this was the point Bruce wanted to make.

It seems like he hadn't forgotten. He just wanted me to know it was a mistake.

Though I had expected this, it still hurt to hear it from him.

I composed myself and met his cold gaze with a smile. "What exactly do you mean, Mr. Harold?"

Shock flitted across his eyes for a moment. He probably didn't expect that response from me.

Cindy walked over just then. When she saw that we were conversing, she looked down and stood silently to the side.

"Don't worry, Mr. Harold," I continued, not wanting to start any fires. "The work progress will remain unaffected."

Only then did Cindy's expression lighten up.

After Bruce and Cindy left, I continued working for some time before leaving. I received a call from Caroline just when I arrived at the apartment.

"Samuel Hopkins really is a tough nut to crack. He still refuses to put his ego aside even when I offered such a high salary," Caroline complained. She was talking about the marketing manager she intended to hire to help manage our game's advertisements.

I said half-jokingly, "If money fails, you could always try seducing him."

Caroline scoffed. "Though honestly, he really is my type."

Was she working or looking for someone to date? The investors could not know about this.

Caroline giggled over the phone before asking, "What about you? You must've suffered a lot these past few days without me around, huh?"


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