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A Love Trap novel Chapter 27

Andrew knew the reaction well enough not to lie to himself. Any man faced with the same situation would have reacted similarly. While his response was somewhat expected, his heart told a different story.

It could well be his first time and he was taken by surprise.

He was always the one to turn the other cheek, especially when it came to women who tried to seduce him, who tried to get to him. He was always the one to take a step back and stop them. However, he never expected to meet a woman he could not resist.

This was, after all, a new experience for Andrew. Would it hurt to play the curious cat every once in a while? He wanted to give in.

After throwing herself into his arms, Ashley gave Andrew a nod and looked him in the eye. With a charming and alluring frown, Ashley railed at Andrew,"It's noisy!"

It just couldn't be helped. Ashley's soft, sexy, and tipsy voice seemed to seduce him all the more.

Never had Andrew seen Ashley like this. She was so endearing it was turning him on. He felt his heart fall from his chest, the moment felt right and he bet it would also feel good.

Her wet lips seemed to beckon for him, it was all Andrew could see. He longed to press his against her, to taste those sweet crevices he dearly longed for.

Would they still feel the same, he wondered.

Andrew wanted to have her again. After the moment they once shared in a hotel, Andrew knew he wanted more.

He stroked Ashley's face. He wanted to feel the curves that outlined her innocent but playful mien. He took a deep breath and composed himself. What was he thinking? He couldn't let his feelings get the best of him.

Restlessly, Ashley moved towards Andrew's arms. She was lightheaded from the alcohol and the sound that seemed to drown her thoughts altogether.

Ashley moved closer, pinning herself into Andrew's body. She tried to stop the sound that loomed the evening - the sound that was his heartbeat.

The alcohol and that deafening noise she fought all this while made her blush. The rosy hue of her cheeks and her beguiling eyes caught Andrew's attention and shifted his focus from her lips to her face. Andrew realized just how cute Ashley was when she got drunk, how sexy she was when she was tipsy.

Doing her best to fight off her emotions, Ashley moved closer to Andrew and thought she could stop the sound this way.

But it did not go away. It clamored, it thundered, and it resounded. She felt her body reverberating, responding.

He seemed to have felt the same. He quivered to the sensation of Ashley's hands pressed so close against him. His body longed to reciprocate. His body and soul seemed to be under the spell of Ashley's fingers.

They both stepped out of Harkim, the cold summer breeze brought them comfort from what would otherwise be a hot night of passion.

Lifting her head, the feel of the cool air seemed to have lifted Ashley's spirits.

She seemed to have smiled without even noticing it. Her face couldn't hide it. This smile again had caught Andrew's attention.

Although Andrew was fixated on Ashley all the while, this moment seemed to have been the most definitive.

While Andrew wanted to make this moment last, he knew it was time to leave.

Andrew took Ashley to the parking area, led her to his car and prepared to let her in. It had been a wonderful night, more than what Andrew could ever hope or ask for. It wasn't everyday he got to be with a woman he wanted, a woman like Ashley. Suddenly, he felt resistance from his sleeve.

Unconsciously, she seemed to have grabbed his shirt, her expression clearly showing she wasn't ready for him to leave. Andrew was happy the night wasn't over.

Andrew patted her head and made his way to the driver's seat and sat with Ashley.

He didn't mind driving with only one hand on the steering wheel, while his other hand held something very dear to him. With one hand on the wheel and the other wrapped around Ashley, he drove her out of the parking lot.

Ashley looked at Andrew intently. She stared with purpose - with passion.

It was an opportune moment, Johnny wasn't here to witness this.

Johnny would surely blame his boss, if he knew that Andrew wouldn't think twice about bringing Ashley to his own apartment.

He only wanted for Andrew to take her home.

He clearly misunderstood what he said.

He meant that Andrew should send the girl to her own home.


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