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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 12

Stefan turned his head aside, "If you don't want to learn, just get the hell out of here!"

"Wait! I can learn myself!" Emmeline was suddenly stunned. Of course she was quite aware that Stefan was actually a bad-tempered freak though she had only stayed here for a few days.

For her, it was just a mere request. She didn't want him to retaliate against his father because of her.

Though she knew that Stefan would find up the truth that she was actually just a substitute of Anayah sooner or later, she still hoped that she could retard it as much as she could. At least she could do something for her father.

Besides, she was wondering if Stefan would be so pissed that he would strangle her when he noticed the truth.

She took the books and sat on the chair to read carefully.

Actually, she loved reading. Soon, she started to be quite focused.

Stefan was still reading the files. He raised his head and noticed that Emmeline was still sitting there and indulged herself in reading.

She was wearing a blue long dress while she was flipping the book with her fair hands. Her dense and long eyelashes kept blinking while she was reading. She looked so pure just like a high school girl. The huge chair even highlighted her tiny cute body.

When seeing that, he seemed to be rendered a bit restless. He had no idea if she was still pretending to be such an earnest reader.

However, every time he raised his head to look at her, he could notice that his heart was overwhelmed by a special feeling.

He had never shown up in public during the past nine years. Besides, his legs had totally recovered three years ago. But he still kept himself on the wheelchair.

In order to avoid suspicion, he pretended to be disabled as usual. He was waiting for a chance to revenge himself and take back everything that belonged to him.

He had been fighting and working hard during these years. Just like what Asher had said, Stefan had been abstinent. He didn't even think of another girl.

Actually, when he was just disabled, a girl whom he was once infatuated with came to meet him, asking him to let her stay so as to take care of her.

However, Stefan still turned her down.

The girl came to him again in the next year. During that depressed and heartrending period, that girl shed light on his miserable life. So he finally agreed.

However, he still drove her out a year later. Then he went to France to see a professor, Archer Kaur.

When he returned two years later, he still kept himself on the wheelchair. However, that girl didn't come to him again.

During the past few years, he, together with Asher, Arthur and Jaiden, had been working hard to build up his power. Now he was unstoppable. Not until then did he think of the matter of a female partner.

At the same time, Frank happened to engage to Anayah.

So Stefan immediately required his grandpa to make him the bridegroom. Now he needed to strike Frank hard first.

Emmeline was a bit tired after reading for hours. She slightly raised her head and noticed that Stefan seemed to be distracted. Then she stood up and put the book on chair.

She walked over, "Master Stefan, are you feeling tired? Would you like a cup of tea?"

Not until then did he collect himself. He just stared at her, who was standing in front of him with a smile. He was a bit intoxicated.

He gazed at her tiny little cute face. She looked so pure while her eyes were watery. Her face even overtook most of those upper-class ladies.

She didn't even look like a spoiled girl. She had been innocent and cautious. Why? He even had an urge to touch her face. However, it suddenly reminded him of the fact that she was Anayah, the girl owned by Frank.

He immediately shifted his gaze aside, "Just get me the tea!"

Emmeline was also rendered a bit distracted when seeing his attractive face. Actually, Stefan really looked warm and charming when he remained calm.

She really wanted to get along well with him. Perhaps when he found out the truth that she was actually a fake one, he would still show her mercy. And perhaps her dad could still stay safe and sound.

She then left the study and went downstairs to make tea for Stefan.

When she served him a cup of steaming tea, Stefan was still pondering.


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