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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 17

Behind her there was a big tree, it was then she noticed that she was left no room to step back.

Before she could take action, the wolf suddenly pounced on her. She mustered up courage to hold the tree and ran around to dodge the attack. Her legs were rendered so feeble that she couldn't run even a bit faster.

However, the wolf missed the attack. He turned around and pounced on her again while his sharp claw scratched her shoulder.

The cloth on her shoulder was immediately ripped off. And she started to bleed.

Emmeline held back the great pain and stepped back out of instinct. But she stumbled again because of another rope behind.

When smelling the blood, the wolf seemed to be thrilled even more. He pounced on her for several times but she still managed to dodge. However, the wolf still had no intention to give up.

Emmeline was rendered frightened and feeble. The wound on her body felt like burning. She slumped down beside the tree.

When the wolf pounced on her again, she closed her eyes. She was so weak that she no longer had enough strength to fight this wolf.

'Just kill me! Everything will be over!'

"Pes!" suddenly, a roar of a man sounded.

When the wolf was about to initiate another attack, he suddenly turned around when hearing that. Then he saw a man in black standing behind.

The wolf went over and rubbed his head against that man.

"Go back to your nest!"

Emmeline tried hard to open her eyes. She only saw that a man in black walked over and bent over to hold her up. Then she fainted away.

A few minutes ago, the alarm of the basement in the villa suddenly sounded. Paul hurried to check what was going on. He suddenly saw Emmeline go into the forest, where the wolf, Pes, was kept.

He immediately reported it to Stefan.

So Paul grabbed a mask and rushed out to follow him.

Stefan ran so fast that he soon reached the spot where Emmeline encountered Pes. If he had arrived a bit later, she could be turned into the dinner of Pes.

What a bold girl! She even dared to step into the forest on her own. If it weren't for the fact that he made a warning alarm here, no one knew that this timid girl would actually break into this horrible place.

Stefan took her, who was wet by blood all over, back to the villa. He called his family doctor here.

Her clothes were ripped off and her wounded skin was exposed in the air. Blood kept dropping down. Her face still looked pale. And she missed one of her shoes.

Stefan was quite surprised that his heart actually ached when he saw that. He couldn't help letting out a mocking smile, 'She belongs to Frank, doesn't she? Why should I feel sorry for her? Am I out of my mind?'

However, when seeing the bed sheet getting horribly red because of her blood, he looked agitated, "Stanch her wound, right now!"

The doctor was rendered frightened when seeing his face. He hurried to stanch her wound.

Soon, the doctor turned around and said to Stefan, "Master Stefan, it was just a mere wound on her skin. She fainted away because of fear. I have bandaged her wound. She will wake up after sleep. And I injected her with a dose of antidote. After all, Pes lives in the forest."

"Okay." Stefan still frowned while looking at her.

After the doctor left, he also rolled the wheelchair to leave the room.

Emmeline was suffering a high fever in the middle of the night because of wound and scare. As the doctor had left, Stefan told Madison to help her get changed.

He stood beside the floor-to-ceiling windows while smoking. He stared at the night sky, feeling agitated. He turned around and entered the room of Emmeline.

Her face looked illy red under the dim light. Suddenly, he saw her trembling in the quilt.

'What happen? It's April now. It shouldn't be cold.'


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