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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 22

Emmeline was trembling all over out of fear. But Stefan simply ignored her struggle. He was totally overwhelmed with anger as he just wanted to retaliate against her, who even dared to lie to him.

Emmeline kept struggling, but Stefan still remained unmoved.

Emmeline shouted so hard that her voice turned to be hoarse.

She had totally run out of her energy. She could do nothing but to scream, "Help! Dad! Antonio, help me!"

When hearing that, Stefan grabbed her even harder. His eyes behind the mask looked even more dangerous.

Though she kept screaming in the room, the thunder still sounded louder, while the light of which sometimes illuminated his mask. For Emmeline, it was the most horrible moment in her life.

"Stefan! Help me!" tears shed down her pale face. After shouting out, she fainted away out of pain.

When hearing that, Stefan couldn't help shivering all over. He saw her faint just like a piece of withered fair blossom.

It jolted his heart all of a sudden. And he soon collected himself.

He suddenly took off his mask and his deadly attractive face was revealed. He fixed his eyes on her. Then he couldn't help bending over to kiss her pale and chapped lips…

However, he seemed to think of something. And his eyes turned to be cruel again.

The thunderstorm didn't stop until the next morning.

As the sun began to rise, the thunderstorm faded away. Stefan got up from the bed and went into the bathroom. A few minutes later, he came out and looked at Emmeline, who was still lying on the bed, unconscious. Then he turned around to leave.

When the sunlight shed into the room from the window, Emmeline slowly opened her eyes. She felt pain all over as if a truck had crushed over her body last night.

She couldn't help gasping for air.

'Is it a nightmare?'

However, it was so different from any nightmare she had encountered. Besides, the pain all over her body told her that there was something horrible happening last night.

But she still failed to figure out who was the one breaking in last night. Why did he violate her?

Here was the island of Stefan. It was impossible for any thug to break in. Could it be Stefan Byrne?

No! Impossible! She was aware that he should be a cripple on the wheelchair all day long. How could he actually walk himself to her front last night?

Emmeline closed her eyes, feeling desperate. She lost everything. There was no way back.

She had to stay here till the end of her life. Tears shed down her pale face again.

'Just cry, Emmeline! But only once! After that, you still have to stay strong even if you are put into the hell! That's your own choice!' She murmured to herself.

Emmeline didn't walk out of her bedroom all day long. She kept herself on bed, unmoved.

Madison didn't want to see her starve herself. So she served some food in the bedroom. But Emmeline only took a little.

Meanwhile, Stefan, who was staying in the bedroom next door, was also staying up for the whole night. He had already returned to be sober after losing control last night.

Even he himself had no idea what he was doing. When he knew that she was actually not the girlfriend of Frank and she might try to deceive him with someone else, he was rendered outrageous.

However, when he returned to his room, he kept thinking about the aftertaste of his orgy last night.


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