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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 24

When he finished, he looked quite satisfied with his own kiss.

He lowered his head to look at Emmeline, who was still distracted. Suddenly, he laughed gently, "You haven't been kissed before? Why do you look so surprised?"

"You…" Emmeline's face was burning blushed.

She was wondering why he changed a lot today.

Her mind still went blank after the sudden kiss.

"Stefan, you said that I was dirty! And you told me to stay away from you! Why did you kiss me?!" since his attitude seemed to have softened a lot today and he looked happy now after the kiss, Emmeline found it was the right time to settle old scores with him.

Stefan looked at her, feeling sorry. He hated her and thought her dirty at that time just because he thought that she was Anayah Campbell.

However, when noticing that she, together with her family, once lied to him, he turned to be sullen instantly.

Before Emmeline could continue, Stefan's phone rang. She immediately stood up from his legs.

Stefan went out of the study while holding his phone.

Emmeline's heart was still beating fiercely when she walked to the balcony, 'What a mad guy! How could you humiliate me whenever you want to!'

She was still wondering if it was Stefan who had broken in that night.

She was sure that the masked man that night shared the same body scent with Stefan. Even if he might be a brother of Stefan, she didn't believe that both of them actually smelt the same.

However, if it was Stefan indeed, why did he violate her? And why did he pretend to be a cripple for years?

Though it was she herself who was sexually assaulted and she lost her virginity, she still hoped that it could be Stefan that night.

She couldn't help covering her face, blushed. She was wondering if she herself was out of her mind as she actually wanted Stefan to take away her virginity.

But if that was true, it also meant that he had once deceived her. So the grudge between them should be done.

Stefan went into the gym room next door. He closed the door and stood up from the wheelchair. Then he picked up the phone, "How is it going now?"

"Stefan, now you have owned 60% of the shares of the Byrne Group. And Frank only got 5% left. Now your grandpa starts to investigate when noticing a huge proportion of shares were being transferred." Arthur replied casually.

"If your grandpa knew that Frank even dared to fool you with a fake 'Anayah Campbell', your grandpa would definitely deprive him of the heirship of the president. However, all the other shareholders of the Byrne Group still favor Frank. What are you going to do with that?"

Stefan stared at the sea, "Stop buying the stocks of the Byrne Group. I want to hit him hard on the day when grandpa announces the true inheritor of the president! Only then could he feel how painful it is when falling from the top."

"Besides, tell Asher to keep an eye on Anayah. Don't let her stir up any troubles!" Though Anayah disdained him as a cripple, Stefan still felt quite lucky as it was she who made Emmeline marry him. Otherwise, he would have damaged his own marriage.

After hanging up the phone, he hopped onto his wheelchair and went to the study again. But Emmeline had left. He looked outside the villa from the balcony. Then he saw her in a purple dress, walking along the beach. Her hairs seemed to be dancing as the wind breezed.


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