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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 29

Stefan couldn't help clenching his fists, "Since grandpa is here, of course I need to go back home. Besides, if I am not mistaken, I should inherit the mansion."

When hearing that, Frank looked pale. He glared at Stefan and sneered, "Come on, it just a mansion. It's okay, Stefan. Tell me. Do you have anything else you want? After all, you are a cripple. I should suffice all your needs."

When seeing they arguing, Emmeline felt so sorry for Stefan. She was wondering that perhaps Stefan wouldn't be easily humiliated if he could stand up again.

She glared at Frank with disdain shown in her eyes, which rendered Frank a bit stunned.

Emmeline simply ignored him and then pushed Stefan into the elevator.

When the door was closing, Emmeline raised her head and happened to see that Frank was smiling weirdly.

Emmeline felt even more sorry for Stefan when seeing his emotionless face. She patted his shoulder gently, "Don't worry. You will definitely stand up one day!"

Stefan was a bit surprised and then he seemed to feel better, 'Come on, you are about to face a challenge now. But you still care about me?'

The dinner was soon finished under the dignity of Edison.

After dinner, Emmeline pushed Stefan out for a walk. When they just reached the door, Edison looked at her, "Anayah, come over to my study." Then he grabbed her hand.

Emmeline was a bit stunned. Before she could utter, Stefan hurried to say, "Grandpa, can't you wait for a few more days? She still needs time to get herself familiar to the new environment." After saying that, he grabbed her hand.

When seeing that Stefan cared about her so much, Edison felt pain in his heart, 'Boy, don't you know that your wife is actually a fake one?'

Of course, Edison would do his best to investigate the whole thing. If it was the Campbell Family's idea to make her the substitute of Anayah, he would definitely eliminate Nicholas.

"Stefan, don't worry. I just want to have a talk to Anayah. I won't put her in pickle." Edison turned around to go upstairs. Emmeline patted Stefan's hand and said, "I am okay. I will be back soon."

Before Stefan could stop her, Emmeline had already followed Edison upstairs.

While Frank, who was sitting on the couch, couldn't help smiling mockingly.

Frank was about to get up to go upstairs, but Stefan suddenly stopped him.

"Frank, would you please take me out for a walk if you can?"

Frank paused and turned around with a smile, "Okay, I am glad to."

They went beside the magnolia tree again. As it was April, the night was a bit chilling.

"I still remembered you made your wheelchair lose control under the tree last time and you made yourself on the ground. Because of that, grandpa was really mad at me. Stefan, I didn't expect that you would be so scheming. You made grandpa the witness and he even gave me a final warning, claiming that I would lose the heirship of the president of the Byrne Group if I dared to hurt you again. He really said so! But I don't think there will be anyone else who could be qualified enough to inherit the group!"

"Stefan, you are just a cripple. Even if grandpa wanted to make you the inheritor, you would never be qualified enough!" Frank laughed out crazily.

But Stefan still remained emotionless. He just casually looked at the window of the study on the second floor.

"Oh, really? You'd better seize everything you have now. It hurt when you fall from the top!" Stefan said casually.


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