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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 41

Stefan didn't wake up until afternoon. When he opened his eyes, he saw Emmeline reading book beside his bed.

He smiled and felt quite relaxed, "Honey…"

Emmeline raised her head and saw him wake up. She immediately put aside the book and stood up, "You finally wake up! Are you hungry? Do you still feel hurt?"

When seeing her caring eyes, Stefan reached out his hand to grab hers, "No, I don't feel pain."

Emmeline also reached out her own hand to hold his. Then she sat beside him and touched his forehead with another hand. She finally felt relieved when noticing that his body temperature returned to be normal.

"I cooked some porridge for you. Let me serve you some." She fixed her watery eyes on him, which rendered him distracted.


Emmeline then gently took back her hand and stood up to walk out of the study.

Stefan stared at her slender back. Mixed feelings surged up in his mind. Since his big brother passed away, he had been the most hated person in his family.

No one had been so caring about him before. During the first year since his legs were crushed, his first love once came to his side to take care of him for half a year. However, he got an awful temper at that time.

He got mad at her from time to time. When he headed to France half a year later, the girl left.

Since then, he had been quite hostile against all women as his mother had been disdaining him. He didn't even feel any family affection from then on.

However, Emmeline had been staying with him when he fell into coma. She had been taking care of him attentively. Of course, he was deeply moved.

Emmeline took a bowl of porridge and sat beside the bed, "Can you eat it yourself?"

Stefan was about to take the porridge himself. When hearing that, he immediately took back his hands, "No. I can't hold it."

"Let me feed you."

'Nice.' He couldn't help cheering in his mind.

Emmeline supported him up and made him lean against the bed. Then she scooped a spoon of porridge and cooled it down with breath. Then she fed him.

Stefan opened his mouth and took a bit, looking like a baby.

Emmeline would always breathe to cool it down before feeding him. Her pink lips looked quite attractive while pouting to blow on the porridge.


Stefan didn't have any chance to make out with her since he went back from the Byrne Mansion. Now he got hurt on his shoulder, which even curbed his last chance.

At the thought of that, he was a bit annoyed.

So he turned his head aside to shift his gaze. Soon, a bowl of porridge was finished. Stefan licked his own lips. It tasted really good.

Emmeline stood up, "You can't eat much before you recover. Now it's enough. You can't eat more until night."

Actually, he wanted her to feed him more.

Emmeline took away the bowl. Then Stefan leaned on the bed and took out his phone. He dialed the number of Jaiden, "Did you figure out the culprit yesterday?"

"Of course, who the hell do you think he would be besides Frank? And I heard that he had contacted a Mexican gang recently. He is preparing for the war next month. But it seems that he couldn't wait anymore." Meanwhile, a female voice sounded while Jaiden was speaking.

Stefan frowned, "I won't be killed so easily. Besides, be aware! Don't get infected by some venereal diseases." After saying that, he hung up the phone.

When hearing that, Jaiden was stunned, 'What the hell? Are you cursing me?'


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