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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 49

Stefan took the lift and went down to the first floor. As the door to the lift was opened, Paul hurried over and pushed the wheelchair towards the parking lot.

When Stefan passed by the entrance in his wheelchair and was going straight to the parking lot, a woman was standing next to the column of the Byrne Building.

She stared at the man in the wheelchair blankly. He was even more attractive than in pictures.

He had a dark suit on. His slender and long legs were sitting snugly on the wheelchair. His face was handsome and his eyes were dark with a hint of wintriness in them.

He had an aura that made it hard for people to get close to him, but at the same time, people would have the urge to get close to him.

Even in a wheelchair, he seemed like royalty.

He leapt gracefully into the Rolls-Royce. Paul closed the door and drove the car away.

Anayah quickly hailed a cab and followed Stefan.

Paul noticed a car following them closely. He quickly stayed vigilant.

"Master, someone is following us."

Stefan said lazily with his eyes closed, "Let them be, don't worry. Go straight home."

The car drove into the small area in Sweedal Residence. Anayah on the other hand got out of the car and walked to the security booth by the entrance.

Stefan's car was slowly drawing into the small area. Anayah wanted to follow him but she was halted by the security, "Miss, this is private property. You cannot get in."

Anayah glared harshly at the security, "I came here with Mr. Byrne."

"That wouldn't be possible. Mr. Byrne's car just passed by. If you knew him you would be in his car. I'm sorry but you can't get in." The security guard blocked her from going in.

Anayah got anxious, she yelled at the guard, "Do you know who I am? I am his wife!"

The guard was taken aback, "How could you be the madam? The madam is at home, we all meet her before."

Anayah was speechless. As she stood by the entrance she saw Stefan's car parked by a house. The door to the car was opened but Stefan didn't get out. Instead, a girl walked over and helped him onto the wheelchair.

The girl was none other than Emmeline. Stefan held her hand while sitting in the wheelchair and was smiling as he talked to her. They were both laughing happily.

Anayah stared at them tensely as they walked into the mansion. She felt like an invisible knife was cutting her heart into pieces.

Emmeline was so capable, she actually managed to make Stefan treat her so gently. Anayah had never seen him smile before, not even in the newspapers. It seemed like he would only smile at her sister like that.

Great, such a whore. She wanted to make her sister miserable by making her marry him and seduce him, but she was living so happily.

There was anger in Anayah's eyes. Emmeline! In Anayah's mind, Stefan belonged to her. She would make Emmeline return him to her!

She turned around and left the area. She then hailed a cab and went back to the Campbell's.


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