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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 53

Anayah thought she could make Emmeline leave just by saying that. Stefan didn't need her as a replacement anymore, she said. What a joke.

"Maybe this will disappoint you, but Stefan isn't going to make me leave and I am not leaving. He really needs my help," Emmeline said nonchalantly. But deep inside, her emotions were raging.

Anayah was constantly bullying her. But why should she let her continue doing that?

"Are you not going to leave?" Anayah flew into a rage upon hearing Emmeline, "Don't forget that I'm his wife by law. You are only a replacement and you are to remember your position."

Emmeline suddenly scoffed, she looked up and stared deeply into Anayah's eyes, "What now? I married him because you told me to, and I should leave him just because you said so? Anayah, I remember that I've told you on the day I replaced you for the wedding. The moment I left the Campbell family, I've returned the favour I owe the family! I don't owe you anymore! I will make decisions on my own and regarding you being his wife on paper, just go to him. If he askes me to leave, then I will do so immediately."

Anayah realized that Emmeline wasn't a pushover like before anymore. How dare she talk back? She walked over and grabbed her arm, "What did you say? How dare you talk back to me?"

Emmeline withdrew her hand, "For many years you often lectured me, saying that you hated me. But now you don't like it when I'm away from you. I've said it already, I have nothing to do with you anymore!"

Anayah then slapped her on the face. There was a handprint on her pale small face.

Emmeline tilted her head and looked at Anayah. Her quiet eyes were frigid, "Anayah, don't step over the line. I'm not going to just do what you said."

Anayah glared at her, "You are as shameless as your mother. The man you're with right now is my man. I let you marry him in my stead because I think highly of you. Now get out, and don't make me hit you again!"

"Who are you asking to leave?" A deep voice could be heard by the mansion's entrance. And then the sound of a wheelchair slowly moving towards the living room could be heard.

Stefan was sitting down prim and properly in the wheelchair.

His expression was as wintry as the cold winter, and he glared at Anayah sharply with his dark eyes.

Both of them stared blankly at him who came in in his wheelchair. He was sitting down, but yet his aura was still overbearing and arrogant!

Anayah looked at his enraged face and his glare that could kill her instantly. She started to tremble, "Master Stefan…"

Stefan stopped glaring at her coldly. He moved close to Emmeline and looked at her dearly, "Let me see."

He yanked her hand and made her sit on her lap. He saw the slap mark on her face and touched it gently, "Does it hurt?"

Emmeline didn't say anything and she shook her head. She wanted to stand up but Stefan was holding her tightly. He said gently, "I'll put some ointment on it for you later. Remember, next time, it doesn't matter who they are, hit them back when they hit you!"

Emmeline was so touched she was about to cry. She got hit a lot growing up but she always had to just take it. Nobody cared and helped her like this before.

Tears were welling up in her eyes. She smiled, "It's nothing, it doesn't hurt."

"Silly girl…" Stefan tightened his arms around her.

Anayah stood there blankly. She stared at Stefan's gentle expression as he looked at Emmeline. She was then filled with jealousy.

He belonged to her. Seeing Emmeline sitting on his lap made her felt like her heart was pierced by arrows! She felt so bad she wanted to die.

She clenched her fist tightly and dug her nails into her palm. There was blood.

She was about to walk over when Stefan glared at her coldly. She could only look at him blankly. His eyes had a totally different expression from a second ago! There was currently only hatred in his eyes.



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