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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 59

"Who are you?…Hmm." Emmeline took a step backwards. Before she could shout out, her mouth was covered with a cloth from behind by two men, and she was dragged into the bushes next to her.

Everything turned black before Emmeline's eyes as the two men quickly carried Emmeline into a van next to them. In the absence of anyone's attention, the van disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The sky was getting dark. Paul had already prepared dinner, but Emmeline still hadn't come back. He knew that Emmeline had been studying hard these days, but she would usually be home around this time.

He dialled Emmeline's phone number at once, but it was powered off. Then he immediately drove to the B University and found that there were no more students left on the campus. He walked up to the gatekeeper, explained his identity, and asked if there were any students inside.

The gatekeeper shook his head and said, "School's out at six every day, and no students have been attending evening classes these days."

Paul remembered that Emmeline had two close friends, so he immediately contacted the principal to find out Agnes's and Lena's phone numbers.

Then Paul called them, and when he learned that Emmeline was not with them, he had become anxious.

Where did Mrs. Stefan go?

He drove back to the Sweedal Residence and was about to call Stefan, but just then he saw Antonio's car slowly pull up in front of the villa.

Paul didn't care about anything else, and immediately went up to Antonio as soon as he saw him, "Master Antonio, what brings you here?"

"I'm here to find Emmeline, is she home?" Antonio walked out of the car, hands in his pants pockets.

"No, I don't know where Mrs. Stefan has gone; she hasn't come home until now. I've looked for her at the houses of some of her classmates, but she hasn't gone to them." Paul's heart burned with anxiety.

If he lost Mrs. Stefan, he would only end up dead when Master Stefan returned as the only reason Mrs. Stefan left him in X City was to take care of Mrs. Stefan.

Antonio was stunned at Paul's words, "Does she come back at this time every day?"

"Yes, she usually comes home at this time," Paul said truthfully.

Antonio immediately jumped into his car, "Let's go, I'll go with you to look for her, she wouldn't get lost, would she?"

Paul replied affirmatively, "That's impossible. Mrs. Stefan comes back alone every day."

"Where's Stefan?" Antonio also got anxious, and wondered why he hadn't seen Stefan. Emmeline hadn't come home, yet he acted as if nothing had happened and just asked a servant to look for her!

"Master Stefan has been in France for several days. I haven't had a chance to call him yet." Paul took out his phone and was about to call Stefan, but was stopped by Antonio.

"What's the point of you calling him now! Hurry up, get in the car and let's go find Emmeline."

Paul felt that Antonio's words made sense, a slow remedy indeed couldn't address the current emergency. So he put away his phone and got into Antonio's car.

But in the car, he couldn't help but send a message to Stefan: Mrs. Stefan is missing!

The car made several round trips along the way from the university to Sweedal Residence, but there was no sign of Emmeline, so Antonio immediately went to the Campbells.

Paul was on tenterhooks, why hadn't he thought that Mrs. Stefan might have returned to her parents' home?

Knocking on the door of the Campbell Mansion, the maid looked at Antonio and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Did Emmeline go home?"

"Do you mean Miss Emmeline? She hasn't been back since she married into the Byrne family." The maid glanced toward the living room after she finished her words.

"Who is he?" Lucia asked from the living room.

"He's here to see Miss Emmaline." When the maid finished speaking, Antonio saw that the gazes of everyone in the living room fell on him.

Antonio greeted Lucia and Nicolas with a nod. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Emmeline didn't go home after school and now I don't know where she is. Is she back here?"

Nicolas shook his head, "Emmeline hasn't come back since she married into the Byrne family, so it's impossible for her to come home."

Antonio looked at these people and a surge of anger suddenly rose up in his heart.


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