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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 61

It was daybreak when they arrived in X City. The masked man stood up and strode into the cabin. He picked up the burning hot girl and went off the ship. He was wearing the wolf mask all along and didn't have a word with Antonio.

Antonio was speechless. He felt frustrated when thinking of himself as an irrelevant one.

Paul, who was waiting on the shore, came up and took the unconscious Emmeline immediately. He looked up at the masked man and the latter said,

"She is burning with fever. Take her to the hospital! Tell Madison to bring some clothes!"

Paul nodded, "Alright!" He glanced at Antonio and said to the masked man,"Thanks for saving Mrs. Stefan!"

"My pleasure! Just doing my duty as a bodyguard!"

The masked man turned away.

Antonio looked at the masked man and then helped Paul take Emmeline to the hospital…

It was next morning when Emmeline woke up. She opened her eyes to see nothing but white. She realized that she was in a hospital.

She was thrown into the sea and then saved by someone. Who was the masked man?

Someone pushed open the door at this point and it was Madison walking into the room with a food jar. Seeing Emmeline was awake, she came up and smiled,"Mrs. Stefan! You're awake! I know you are about to wake up. I made you millet congee. Please have some before it gets cold. You got a terrible temperature last night after being saved by the bodyguard which scared us to death. Master Stefan would be worried sick if he knew that you were kidnapped. Thank god you're okay."

Emmeline sat up slowly, feeling weak all over.

She took the millet congee and had few mouthful of it little by little.

"Madison, was it my… classmate Antonio who took me here yesterday?"

"No, my lady. Master Stefan's bodyguard saved you and Paul took you here. Master Antonio just happened to be here." Madison smiled.

Bodyguard? The masked man?

She remembered that Antonio was there to save her as well. She frowned, how come Antonio know she was kidnapped?

"Do you know who was the kidnapper, Madison?"

Madison thought it over and said,"It is still under investigation. Master Stefan has known it and he is very concerned. Thankfully you're safe and sound. Please allow Paul to take you to and from school from now on. What can we do if anything happened to you when Master Stefan is away?"

Emmeline looked down, "Don't worry. I will be careful in the future." It was way too easy for her to realize who would kidnap her. She just clashed with her sister then got kidnapped afterwards. Who else could the kidnapper be?

Emmeline was hospitalized for two days and now ready to leave.

On this day, Antonio came to the hospital in the afternoon. He pushed the door in and saw the girl sitting in bed. He went over, "Emmeline, do you feel any better?"

Emmeline smiled, "I'm alright. Thanks, Antonio."

"Who was the masked man? Why was he on the same ship that you got kidnapped?" Antonio felt nothing but a formidable power from the man.

"He is Stefan's bodyguard." Emmeline said simply.

Antonio sat by the bed, holding her hands, "Emmeline, just leave Stefan. You were not meant to be his wife. It's illegal for him to imprison you. Come to America with me."

Emmeline felt a sharp pain in her heart, if she was not the pinch hitter for the marriage, if her father hadn't shown her any kindness, she would have left with Antonio straight away.

But now, she was no longer the Emmeline she used to be. She couldn't leave yet in order to repay her father's kindness. If she did go away, she didn't know what Stefan would do to her father. She could not leave her father behind.


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