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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 72

She could apologize if Stefan was mad at her for making Emmeline a substitute bride.

Anyway, she wouldn't allow Emmeline, a woman with concealed intentions, to rob her of the identity as the wife of the president of Byrne Group.

'Emmeline is nothing but a lowly illegitimate daughter. What right does she have to compete with me? Since childhood, if I hadn't share food with you out of my kindness, you would've starved to death somewhere.'

Stefan was already angry because of the presence of Anayah.

And then, she spoke ill of Emmeline in front of him.

His face darkened immediately.

His eyes with coldness like a sharp knife stared at Anayah who looked fierce out of anger.

In the next second, Stefan directly grabbed a pen on the desk and threw it at Anayah who was screaming there.

With a special skill, he threw a normal brand-name pen like an arrow taking off a bow straightly at Anayah.

"Ah!" Anayah cried out.

The pen Stefan threw over stabbed at Anayah's breast.

The pain turned Anayah pale. Blood kept streaming from the wound in her breast and stained her white dress as if there was a red flower on it.

Anayah, who was creating a disturbance before Stefan threw the pen, was shocked by his move. She stared at the man full of terror, frightened. She had realized his cruelty today.

Besides, she didn't get his attention even though she was dressed in a sexy dress but was stabbed by the pen.

In panic, she was looking at Stefan sitting on a wheelchair in front of the desk with a sullen look like he was going to kill.

She was shocked and thought that this man was terrifying. She had thought he must be sickly since he had been sitting on the wheelchair for nine years.

Moreover, she thought Frank, a ruthless man who played hard, was the most terrifying person in the Byrne family, which could get its way in this city, even in this country.

Now she got to know that the most terrifying one turned out to be the man sitting on the wheelchair in front of her, Stefan.

Nicolas, who was standing aside, couldn't believe that Stefan should hurt Anayah with a pen sitting so far without moving.

So he was terrified either, watching the pen stuck in his daughter's breast.

He apologized to Stefan in a shivering voice, "Sorry. Mr. Stefan. We're so sorry. Please don't be mad. Anayah was just naive. She didn't mean it..."

Nicolas was powerless in front of Stefan. He couldn't do anything if Stefan was going to kill her for what she had done.

Stefan was totally different from Frank. Nicolas knew nothing about him, and even felt scared unconsciously because of Stefan's strong aura when he was around him.

But, not until Nicolas finished his apology did Stefan speak indifferently with a sullen look, "Is she naive or just too conceited? I have told you what you should do, but you didn't do any of them. So, I won't show any mercy to you!"


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