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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 8

When seeing that she seemed to freeze still on that rock, Stefan couldn't help wearing an annoyed face, 'You wanna give up on your second day of the marriage, huh?'

"Tell her to stay in the villa!" Stefan said.

"Yes, sir!"

Paul walked over to the beach, "Mrs. Stefan, Master Stefan wants you to stay in the study inside."

Emmeline turned around, looking confused, 'Again? But it was he who drove me out last night! And he almost strangled me!'

"Well, but he didn't seem to need me…"

"Well…Mrs. Stefan, you have to know that he is now in a bad mood. So please don't piss him off. Though he didn't say anything special, you'd better listen to him as you just married him." Paul looked into her blue and pure eyes. He didn't think that she would be a scheming type just like what Stefan assumed.

"Okay." Emmeline stood up and walked towards the villa. She then went upstairs and reached the door of the study. She knocked on it lightly.

"Come in!"

Emmeline pushed the door opened, seeing that Stefan was working on a pile of files.

He was wearing a dark shirt today while leaning against the chair lazily. He looked so elegant. If he could be less aloof, he would be indeed an attractive type.

"Master Stefan, what can I do for you?" She kept herself a distance from him, daring not to approach closer.

She was still a bit frightened when recalling that he had strangled her last night.

Of course, she also understood that he turned out to be bad-tempered as he had been a cripple for so long.

"What are you doing on the beach? Are you feeling annoyed for marring me?" He raised his head and stared at her with his sharp eyes, intending to see through her mind.

Emmeline kept shaking her head, "No, I just want to take a walk on the beach as I have nothing else to do. Master Stefan, you can ask me to do anything you want. I also want to kill time."

Stefan still fixed his freezing cold eyes on her, "Anayah, stop pretending! You, a spoiled girl, are good for nothing! I suppose that you must be eager to leave here, right? Or is it Frank who makes you here to spy on me?"

He suddenly reached her front on his wheelchair, which rendered her stunned.

She immediately took a step back as she was afraid that he would strangle her again. Stefan stared at him as if he wanted to suck her in with his deep eyes.

"No matter what you want to do, I will never let your wish done! From yesterday on, you are Mrs. Stefan! Even if you died, you had to be buried here! As for staying with Frank, never dream of it again!"

He stared at her delicate face. He was wondering why she looked so charming but she might be actually planning something evil. Then he sneered, "Oh, by the way, let me tell you. Though I am a cripple and I can't sleep with you, you still have to stay here, alone for the rest of your life!"

His face suddenly turned to be horrible. Then he continued, "If you want to vent out your desire, I have another solution. But don't even dream of leaving here for the rest of your life, even including your mind! All have to stay! So stop pretending to be pitiful looking! Nobody will show you sympathy!"

Emmeline was rendered annoyed but confused because of his harsh words while staring at his changing face.

She even started to sympathize with him. She was wondering what made him so hostile. Was it because of the struggle between him and Frank for Anayah?

But now since he had officially owned 'Anayah', thought the fake one, he should be happy about it, shouldn't he?

"Master Stefan, I am happy for that and I am willing to take care of you. Since I have married you, I will never keep in touch with anyone else." Emmeline tried her best to avoid pissing him off for the sake of her father.

Stefan stared at her clear eyes which looked quite innocent. He seemed to hold back his harsh words.

"You want to take care of me?" He then went over to open the glass door inside, "Go inside to clean it up! Then clean the bedroom! Both of them!"


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