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A Mysterious Man novel Chapter 118

After the present ‘Bella’ says that, she stretches her hand out and slowly feels around the edges of her face before ripping the fake skin on the surface bit by bit, and finally, showing her true face.

“Her mom is my sister. I was still a kid when I knew that she’s dead. I knew I couldn’t risk it, so I’ve always been hiding by Bella’s side and wait for the perfect chance to show myself.”

Sunny keeps listening to her without interrupting before asking, “Then, who killed her mother?”

Sunny actually regrets on asking that, she doesn’t know if it’ll provoke the person before her eyes.

But no, she just looks expressionless.


“Not Andrei?”

“Ha.” When the person before her eyes mentions Andrei, there's a glimpse of taunt flashing on her eyes, “He doesn’t have the guts to. It’s Kasper! He’s always been cruel and ruthless.”

Sunny listens with a shocked face and opened mouth, then she finds out that her mind is blank because there’s too much input at once, and she doesn’t know what to say.

“Can’t imagine, huh? He looks very kind but he’s actually two-faced. I spent so many years to find out too, he almost killed me.”

Sunny feels that it’s digressing, “Wait, so did you kill Greg?”

‘Bella’ looks at Sunny as if Sunny is a fool, “I’ve spoke for so long and you just understand it now?”


“Because if you keep investigating, you’ll inevitably hinder my revenge, so I should make the first move to get the upper hand and stop you from hindering.”

Sunny recalls the accident on the plane, “Was it also you, at that time?”


‘Bella’ tilts her head, “Are you talking about that one time on the plane? Of course that’s me.”

Sunny squeezes her hands and immediately slaps ‘Bella’ face, “Why!”

‘Bella’ gives no reaction to the slap. “I can’t let you ruin my plan, if you die, no one will pursue this anymore.”

“Are you crazy?”

“Hehe, yeah, I’m crazy! Did you think you’re so innocent? You’re pretty much the same!”

“What nonsense are you spouting?”

“I’ve told you that I’m Bella’s Aunt, but let me tell you… If you don’t want people to know, then you should know what’s after that.”

Sunny feels like the person before her eyes is a monster, “What in the world is your goal?”

“It’s very easy, but I can’t tell you. Today, we have had enough talk.”

‘Bella’ claps while saying that, a few big men shows up behind Sunny, “Finish her off.”

After giving an indifferent order, Bella walks out with her hands on her back, leaving her back figure to Sunny.

“Help…” Sunny is aware that she’s falling into their trap.

No wonder that person tells her so many things, it’s because dead people can’t speak.

“Hehe. Boss told us to let go last time, but I think this one is better.”

That voice makes Sunny remembers what his ‘last time’ means, that’s the person who wanted to rape Zola last time.

“Let me go! Help…”

Sunny screams when they are not paying attention, then someone slaps her mouth.

Thanks to the rusty smell in Sunny’s mouth, she realizes that it is bleeding.

“Pthu!” she fiercely spits her blood to the ground, “Just wait and see!”

“Huh, girl, why are you so stubborn even when you’re dying? Wouldn’t it be better if you make us feel good first?” A man who’s leaning at the door is showing all kinds of nasty poses to Sunny.

The boss already told them to finish her off anyway, so they can just do it as long as they get the result.

Suddenly there’s an extremely cold voice from behind, “Say that again.”

That guy subconsciously turns around when hearing that voice, before he can see clearly who’s there, a punch landed on his face, without any guard he falls to the ground.

“Fuck, who’s that!”

That person stands up and his face gets a punch right away, “It’s me, your grandpa.”

Kevin looks at the guy who keeps talking trash just now, “So you’re the one who told my wife to make you feel good?”

That guys clearly hasn’t snap out of it yet, he’s struggling to stand up.

Right after that, Kevin steps on his crotch and stomps on it cruelly a few times, “Huh?”

That man’s crotch hurts badly, he bends over in pain. Even so, he slowly says, “What… are you… waiting for?”

The men around him realize that they’re stunned because they’re scared of Kevin’s ferocity.

“He’s alone, kill him!”

A man lifts up the knife in his hands and dashes to Kevin, but someone kicks him since he doesn’t guard his back, “Who told you that I’m alone?”


After the guy who gets kicked stops his momentum from falling down, he raises his knife and charges forward.

“Baron, someone wants to stab your husband!”


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