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A Pigeon Pair: Sweetheart, Let's Get Married novel Chapter 207

Everly still had no idea what's going on. Now she heard that Jack was dead. She really couldn't accept it. He used to be very close with her for the past five years.

She was so grieving but could not shed a single tear.

She felt so oppressed. It's like there was a huge rock stuck in her chest. She was awfully suffocating.

How did it happen after all?

Everly even had a hunch that Jack's sudden death might have something to do with her.

She wasn't a pessimistic person. Perhaps she shouldn't be too kind. She always felt that something bad happened to others was related to her.

First, it was Sarah, then Jack.

They both died. She always felt that this was a trap. And she was the bait. Even if these people died not because of her, it had something to do with her.

She suddenly felt chilled, a freezing coldness.

'When I was in America, it was a hard time. He always gave a hand to me. He was a good and gentle doctor. He was always pleasant to others. You would always feel at ease with him...' Everly thought.

Perhaps it's quite common to have a chat with him in the past. However, when you suddenly lost him and everything changed. Those ordinary stuff was actually the most precious.

He was dead!

Byron noticed that Maverick's face was extremely pale and his body was still a little stiff.

Byron murmured to himself, "We're in trouble now."

When investigating Jack, Byron probably had already known that he was a bosom friend to Everly in America. They used to be couples. If Everly hadn't married Jack and obtained the Permanent Resident Card, she wouldn't have given birth to Edmond in such a messy American hospital.

Now that her bosom friend suddenly passed away in China, it must be a fatal blow to her.

Besides, Maverick cared about Everly so much. Byron couldn't help flinging himself into it.

"Miss Everly, are you alright? You look pale. Why not sit down and have a rest for a while?"

Byron picked her up in person. His car was in the parking lot. Now they were at the exit of the airport. Everly should have read some news on the airplane. Someone was suddenly killed at the top of the mountain and the celebrated Byron and Maverick were both involved into it. Those media exposed the news immediately. Byron tried to prevent it at the first time. But it was such breaking news, there were still some reports on the Internet.

Everly read the news, then she knew about it.

The moment she got off the plane, she instantly asked him about the accident. Byron decided to tell her the truth.

He was worried that she wouldn't bear it in such a short time. So he thought for a while and said, "Why don't you wait for a while? I'll get the car. Then let's talk about it."

"It doesn't matter. I'm fine. Could you take me to the police station?" Everly, who had been trembling just now, looked determined and calm.

It seemed that something had just come to her mind, then she shook her head. "Hum, is Edmond with you? I want to see him first."

Byron immediately overruled what he had just thought. She was calm and determined?

Absolutely not! She was hiding her true feelings.


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