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A Second Chance At Forever novel (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33

She wrote two full pages, putting all her thoughts into words in a simple and concise way

After finishing, she tucked the bank card into the suicide note and wrote To Haileyon the envelope

She hesitated for a moment, then took out another piece of paper and wanted to write something for Bernard, but she didn’t know what 

to say

In the end, she only wrote a few words his name and then put down the pen, folded the paper, and put it in the drawer

After she left, Hailey would surely come to clean up her belongings, and then she would find what she had left for her

Having done all this, Eleanor took her medicine. Tonight she had a heavy task, and she had to steady herself, or she would fail at the last minute

After taking the medicine, she opened the locked desk drawer and took out a small jar of sleeping pills she had saved for about ten days

She put the sleeping pills, the forged contract, and the dagger into a bag, then took out her phone and booked a hotel

She went to set things up at the hotel first, then sent the address to Josef via text message

She didn’t add Josef on WhatsApp, thinking that he had texted her before, so she used this method to send him the address

Mr. Caporal, Jade Bay Hotel, room 2088, I’m waiting for you

She thought Josef would come straight over after seeing the message, but he unexpectedly replied with a question mark

Eleanor frowned slightly at the question mark. Wasn’t it agreed that he would give him the contract tonight

As she was puzzled, he sent another message: Wait for me

Only then did Eleanor let go of her doubts, put down her phone, and took out the sleeping pills

She poured all the pills in the bottle into a wine glass, picked up the dagger, and used the tip of the knife to crush the pills a little bit

Last time, she was going to fight to the death with Josef, but she didn’t prepare enough that time. This time, she had to kill him

She didn’t want to be tortured by him, nor did she want to involve Hailey. There was no other way out but to kill him

She crushed the pills, poured the wine into the glass, and hid the dagger under the pillow

After doing all this, Eleanor turned off the lights, sat on the couch, and waited quietly

About 20 minutes later, there was a knock on the door

Hearing the sound, Eleanor tried her best to stay calm, but her body trembled slightly

She was very nervous and scared, but things had come to this point, and all she could do was follow the plan

Putting down the wine bottle, she calmed herself down, walked over to the door, and slowly opened it

A man appeared outside the door wearing a bronzecolored mask, his entire face hidden

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At the first sight of him, Eleanor knew something was off. She tried to close the door, but he forced his way in

The man quickly and skillfully turned off all the lights in the room after entering

The room was plunged into darkness, and Eleanor could only see where he was standing through the dim light from outside the window

Eleanor’s body trembled as she observed the man standing near the door

This man definitely wasn’t Josef


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