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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 312

Chapter 312 Are You Baiting Me

What Abigail found even more ludicrous was the fanfiction the netizens posted featuring her and


Some of the stories were pretty R-rated. Abigail blushed while reading them.

“Is it too warm in here, Abigail? Why are your cheeks so red?” Abigail’s assistant asked while bringing some documents over.

“It’s pretty warm,” Abigail answered with fake composure. However, she hastily tapped her mouse a couple of times and minimized her Twitter tab.

Her assistant came over and placed the documents beside her. “Shall I lower the temperature?”

“It’s fine. Just get me a bottle of cold water, please.” The steamy scenes in the fanfiction Abigail saw made her throat a little dry.

It didn’t seem appropriate to be reading such things in broad daylight..

While her assistant left to get some water for her, she quickly closed the tab and forgot about. what she had read-focusing on her design work instead.

Just as Abigail started feeling dizzy from focusing on one thing for too long, her phone began buzzing.

She checked her phone and saw the notifications from Luna. Since they were only Twitter notifications, she didn’t respond to them.

Less than a minute later, Luna called.

Abigail sighed exasperatedly. Isn’t she away on a business trip? Why does she have so much time on her

hands now?

She took the call, but before she could say anything, Luna shrieked, “You were reading smut on Twitter during your working hours?”

“Huh? How did you know?” Abigail felt sheepish-as if her secret had been exposed.

“The entire internet knows. You liked the fanfiction someone wrote. The screenshots your fans took have gone viral too,” Luna informed.

Abigail felt like she had been struck by lightning. After blanking out for some time, she said, “I didn’t click the like button…”

“Did you actually read it? Luna sounded flabbergasted.


“I only glanced at it while scrolling past… I didn’t read it… I didn’t like the tweet!” Abigail felt. awkward. It was as if the entire internet was gawking at her.

She couldn’t stay on Earth anymore. She had to pack her bags and move to a different planet.

“Well, you did like the tweet! Do you want to smooth things over? I don’t know how to help you. with that though. Of all the things you could’ve liked, why was it a smutty fanfiction with Sean?!” Luna sounded helpless.

Abigail was even more despairing. She uncapped the bottle and took several gulps of water to calm herself down. “Do you think it’s too late for me to leave Earth?”

Luna snorted. “Too late, my dear. Everyone knows that Alana liked the smutty fanfiction her fan wrote about her and Sean.”

Abigail scratched her head. “I’m getting off work now. I won’t be heading into the office the next few days.”

“Alright…” Luna couldn’t say anything else about the situation.

She sensed how awkward Abigail was feeling. The awkwardness could fill an entire house.

After ending the call, Abigail gathered her things and got ready to leave.

“I have some matters to attend to, so I won’t be coming into the office the next few days,” Abigail said while passing by her assistant’s desk. Then, she walked off without hesitation.


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