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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 442

Chapter 442 Is It Him?

Luna had not said a word yet when the office door swung open. Cameron walked in with a smile and asked, “Are you having some trouble?”

“It’s not a major issue. What do you have there?” She turned her head to look at him, inquiring curiously.

“Oh! It’s a massager I bought for Ms. Quinn. She’s been sitting at her worktable all day and needs. something to relax her muscles,” he answered nonchalantly while mentally calculating how to help Abigail and her team resolve the situation.

Abigail looked somewhat surprised as she got up and approached Cameron to take the device. “You’re quite considerate,” she remarked as she unwrapped the packaging.

He scratched his nose and did not give a direct response. The truly considerate one was Sean because it had never crossed Cameron’s mind to buy a massage device for her.

After observing him, Luna had a meaningful look in her eyes. He felt her gaze and quickly averted it. “Well, if there’s nothing else, I’ll head out.”

“Sure,” Abigail replied. “But how much did it cost? I’ll pay you back.”

“Oh, it’s not that expensive, just a few hundred. I even used a coupon I got from a blogger,” Cameron replied casually. He had seen a similar massager earlier while browsing videos, and it cost only a few hundred. Thus, he suspected the massager Sean had bought was likely in the same price range.

Then, Luna followed Cameron out of the office. When he was about to slip away, she grabbed the back of his collar. “Spill the beans. Who bought that thing?”

“I did!” he proclaimed.

She snorted. “Do you really think I’ll believe you?”

“Hey, what can you achieve by digging deeper? As long as it’s useful for Ms. Quinn, that’s all that matters. right?” he replied while adjusting his collar.

Luna held onto him until they exited the company. Then, she frowned and said, “Lying to her like that is unacceptable. Abigail is soft-hearted. She hired you because you were fired by Sean. If you two were conspiring, she’d be genuinely upset.”

“Are you taking Sean’s side?” Cameron asked immediately.

“Is that even the point?” She snapped back.

He could not help but scratch his head. “You’re right; that’s not the point. But !am fired by Sean, and I didn’t conspire with him to deceive Ms. Quinn)

Fine. I’ll take your word for it. If I find out you were lying. I’ll pull your tongue out! She warned hum before turning to leave

How about the cooperation issue with Fairy Meadow Can you resolve it?” he asked as he tollowed i una

She stopped in her tracks

Inside the office. Abugath scanned the QR code on the

ducts packaging and then ceased the official


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