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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 445

Chapter 445 Demanding an Explanation


Abigail was watching her show when her nose suddenly itched. She rubbed her nose and mumbled, “The heating is on full blast, but I still feel a bit chilly.”

Then, she wondered how Luna and Fairy Meadow were getting along… Even when watching a show, she could not fully relax and aimlessly chatted on her phone when it suddenly rang. She glanced at the phone. number, which seemed somewhat familiar, but could not recall immediately.

Nevertheless, she answered the call. As the call connected, she heard Scarlett’s voice. “Ms. Quinn, can you spare some time for coffee?”

No wonder it felt familiar. Abigail had blocked her number before but later thought it unnecessary and unblocked it. “Whatever you want to discuss, just say it over the phone. I don’t want to go out in this freezing weather.” She declined coolly.

“If you don’t want to miss out on the collaboration between L.Moon and Fairy Meadow, you better listen to me. Design a set of clothing for Kelly. It doesn’t need to be extraordinary, just something suitable for her.” Scarlett’s voice carried an authoritative tone.

After listening to her, Abigail sneered. “You’ve already pressured Fairy Meadow, and at this point, you’re asking me to design for Kelly. It seems like the Pearson Family is willing to lose all their reputation to resort to such underhanded tactics as threatening people?”

“Abigail, watch your words!”

“Why should I, especially in front of people who only make my life harder? As I’ve said, there are so many designers that you can find. Why are you forcing me just because Kelly specified me? Is it because she chose me that you can use her as a reason to force me to do something I don’t want?” Abigail argued firmly.

Scarlett took a deep breath while trying to keep her composure. “Abigail, we’re in Capitalis now, and things work differently here. Even a prestigious family can make all of L.Moon’s years of effort go to waste. Don’t believe me? Try it and see!”

“That’s right. I’m trying right now. Your daughter, Kelly, should never expect me to design for her in her lifetime. I’ll say it again-she’s unworthy of it!” Abigail hung up the phone directly.

She was in a fit of anger when her assistant knocked on the door and stood at the doorway before saying. “Mr. Pearson wants to see you.”

I won’t see him. Tell him to get lost, Abigail said as her temper flared for the first time.

The assistant thought that perhaps spending too much me with Luna had started to affect Abigail’s temper. She was annoyed whenever she saw people from the Pearson Family

Just as the assistant left, Josh walked in without permission “Ms. Quinn’

When his voice sounded, Abigail set her phone aside and glared at him I told you to leave. Didn’t you


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