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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 453

Chapter 453 Poor Acting

Luna leaned on Josh’s chest and pulled at his tie, saying, “Take me to your home. I want to see how rich your family is. You know, I started from the bottom, and even now, I still have the mentality of being poor. I’ve always looked up to life in Capitalis since I was young. I want to know what kind of luxurious villa the rich in Capitalis live in.”

Seeing the scene, Alfie rubbed his arms and walked over to Sean, shivering involuntarily. Meanwhile, Damon pressed his lips together, trying not to laugh. Only Eric spoke, “So cheesy. I’m leaving.” He could. not stand it anymore.

Sean tilted his body and asked Abigail, “Is this how she behaves when she’s in love?”

Her expression was numb. “She’s never been in love, so how’d I know?”

Josh looked at them and said, “I’ll take her home first. She’s only like this because she’s drunk. We’ll be off.”

“Hurry up and leave. I can’t stand looking at you two.” Eric waved his hand.

Suddenly, Luna grabbed Abigail’s hand. “Abigail, come with me.”

“Okay, you can go take a look, but you have to come back with me, or Grandma will worry.” Abigail could not risk letting Luna stay overnight at the Pearson Residence. Doing that out of revenge would be a huge loss.

“Okay.” Luna pretended to be obedient. She was only acting like this because she had had a few drinks: usually, she was serious.

Abigail and Josh helped her into the car. Meanwhile, Sean stood there for a moment before getting into the car with Alfie and Damon.

The moment they entered the car, Damon spoke, “Luna’s acting is so bad. Can’t Eric tell?”

“I think what’s weirder is Josh looking like he’s on cloud nine.” Alfie was surprised.

Sean glanced at Alfie and asked Damon, “If your girlfriend were like her, clinging to you like honey, would you be able to tell if she was acting?”

After imagining. Damon said seriously. T’d probably be as infatuated as Josh.”

“That’s why. Regardless of whether it’s real or fake, it’s easy to be deceived if you like her,” Sean replied.

Although he found it cheesy, he knew that if the person were Abigail, he would be infatuated too. Yet, Alhe could not believe it. “Is it really that magical? I’ve never been in love. You guys better not deceive me.”

“You’ve been single forever. You have no idea how happy being in love is.” Damon could not stop talking about the girlfriend topic.

Without a word, Scan listened to his love story.

Damon had met his girlfriend in a video game and was drawn to her adorable personality. Later, they would talk on the phone unul they went to sleep at night. Many said that his girlfriend was unworthy of him due to their differing so tal scatuses, but he loved her so much that he wished he could give her everything he had.

“Dang you make our want to fall in love too. You dewebe girl asil they’re

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but I don’t see it.” Alfie was skeptical.


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