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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 465

Chapter 465 Plans Within Plans

Abigail returned to the company and was surprised to find Luna at work. She raised an eyebrow and approached Luna quietly.

Luna was busy on her computer when the office door was pushed open. She noticed it but initially thought. it was an assistant delivering materials. Only when Abigail leaned on her desk did she shudder. “You almost scared me to death! Did you just go on a two-day vacation?”

“I have something to do tomorrow.” Then, Abigail stared at Luna with sparkling eyes. “During the two days I was away, how far have you and Josh progressed?”

“We are still sleeping together. It’s impossible to get pregnant in just two days,” Luna replied with a grin.


guys didn’t use protection?” Abigail was taken aback.

“Don’t worry. I had birth control pills.” Luna laughed. “It’s his first time, and he’s inexperienced.”

“Okay. I don’t need to hear those details. I just want to know if you’re concerned about the steps we are taking. What if you want to break up, but he doesn’t? What’s your plan?” Abigail still shuddered at the thought of Sean’s persistent pursuit. If she hadn’t stood on her ground firmly, she would have been affected by his actions.

“I think he’s quite excellent. There’s no harm in giving it a try. However, I always thought breaking up w a matter of time.” Luna propped her chin. “I never thought of growing old with him, so I’m just enjoying the dating experience now.”

Abigail stared at her friend for a while before asking, “So, who do you think is more suitable as a boyfriend, Howard or Josh?”

“Honestly, Howard can’t compare to him even the slightest. Josh’s emotions are very stable. No matter how much I try to provoke him, he never gets angry. Howard is more unpredictable, and it’s tiring to be around. him.” Luna analyzed it logically.

“I’ve met Josh before. If it weren’t for the entanglement with the Pearson Family and L.Moon, you two might be a great couple.”

Luna interrupted with a chuckle. “You have too much of a good impression of him. In the early stages of dating, everyone treats their partner like a precious treasure. As time goes on, only then will it go downhill. Howard also treated me dearly in the first week, but he started getting moody. Just wait and see.”

Abigail thought Luna was right. She sat down before her computer and started it up. “Do you know how much profit we have from the game? Are the outfits selling well?” she asked Luna.

“Let me check.” Luna immediately checked it. After a brief review, she was surprised. “Not bad. The profits. from the past few months add up to around 70 million.

“That’s quite a substantial amount,” Abigail said. She still believed that spending money on virtual items was unnecessary, but this amount of profits was different from what she had expected.

“Everyone needs to rely on something spiritually, so they spend money on games,” Luna commented.

Abigail didn’t fully understand this industry, so she didn’t say much about it. However, she was satished with the earnings.

When they finished work, Luna picked up her bag and said to Abigail, Let’s go have dinner at the



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