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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 516

Chapter 516 Temporary Deception

Abigail gently patted Luna’s back, offering her comfort. “It’s okay; you’re back now.”

Luna continued to cry, expressing her distress. “Our world is too safe. You have no idea how chaotic it is outside!” She sobbed uncontrollably.

“You’re back home now,” Abigail murmured softly.

Suddenly, Luna pushed her away and anxiously asked, “Has Sean come back yet?”

“Not yet. He’s still in the hospital and he’s injured. They say Xavien’s condition is more. serious, so they have to stay there for a while,” Abigail explained with a reassuring smile.

Cameron had provided her with this information.

She hadn’t been able to contact Sean recently, mainly because she couldn’t reach him. Both Cameron and Alfie had gone to that area. Cameron confirmed that everything was okay. before calling her.

“But the medical conditions there are not very good…” Luna expressed her skepticism.

“Yes, that’s true. However, Sean said he needs to negotiate with the other party about the place where you stayed with him. There are things we don’t understand, so focus on recovering. You’ll be fine,” Abigail reassured her.

Luna nodded and then noticed Josh standing nearby.

“Look at what your sister did!” She glared at Josh angrily.

“She’s not my sister. She’s been arrested and we don’t even know where she’s being held,” Josh replied in frustration.

“This woman is too vicious. She didn’t come from an ordinary background. The Pearsons. must be remarkable to attract someone like her. What kind of immense benefits could be at stake?” Luna asked Josh.

From her experience in that place, she could tell that those people weren’t making just a few million; they were making billions.

The more lawless a place was, the more money could be made without consequences.

That was why Kelly had been arrested without any news leaking.

However, based on the news reports, Abigail speculated that the authorities and Sean had been monitoring Kelly for a long time. On the day of her arrest, they had set up an ironclad



trap to catch her.

Because she was a unique criminal, they couldn’t release too much information about her.

After hearing Luna’s question, Josh thought about it seriously for a moment.

“If we consider that she was after the Davidson Family’s power, it doesn’t seem to make sense. especially since she wanted to marry Sean, Josh said to Luna.

“Now that you’re back, don’t get involved in all of this. I’m afraid you might get into trouble. again. This time. Sean personally went to rescue you, but what if he hadn’t made it in time? People from these places can be quite ruthless, you know?” Abigail advised Luna.

It was precisely because Luna wanted to expose Kelly’s fake identity that she was sent to the Golden Triangle in just a few days.

If she continued to investigate further, who knew where she might be sent next time?

“You’re right. From now on, I’m going to cherish life!” Luna, having narrowly escaped death, had a different outlook on life at the moment.

In the future, she felt that she wouldn’t even get angry.

After all, she had experienced something so significant.

Josh looked at her and asked, “Are you ready to eat?”

“Yes. I want to have lots of delicious food.” Luna extended her hands toward Josh.


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