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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 549

Chapter 549 Just One Look

Abigail worked tirelessly to prevent herself and her grandmother from being looked down upon by others.

“Thank you, Grandma.” With the glass of milk in her hand, she once again expressed her gratitude for Analise’s understanding.

Analise didn’t follow Maisy’s path, who had forced Eric to marry someone who harmed him for the sake of family harmony.

“Get some rest. Since you’re here, just treat it as a vacation,” Analise instructed.

In response, Abigail nodded once more.

“How was your day with Sean?” Analise couldn’t help but ask again.

“It went well. Why do you ask?” Abigail pretended to ask seriously.

With a smile, Analise replied, “I’m just curious. Getting along well is more important than anything else. I’ll go back to my room now.”

After she left, Abigail slowly sipped her milk, but her gaze was distant as if lost in thought.

Time passed. On the third day, she received a call from Josh.

“Can you come back to Capitalis?” He sounded urgent.

“What’s the matter?” she asked, still sounding calm.

After a moment of silence, he said, “Abigail, there are things we haven’t explained. You should be aware of that, right?”

She didn’t answer and was about to hang up.

Suddenly, he continued, “Grandpa is dying. He had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. He wants to see you.”

“What does it have to do with me?” Abigail coldly questioned him. “Don’t use something like this to manipulate me and try to get me to come back. Okay?” She couldn’t control her tone and continued, “My grandma is my only grandmother, and that’s the same for Grandpa! I don’t have another grandfather!”

Eric’s voice quivered. “Abigail, I beg you. Just come back and take a look. Just one look.”

If it weren’t for the sudden health crisis of his grandfather, he wouldn’t have bothered her at




Abigail’s eyes welled up with tears, and she remained silent, her chest heaving.

At this moment, Sean entered the room and saw her standing there, clutching her phone. He approached her and asked, “What’s wrong?”

With teary eyes, she looked at him. “I-It’s nothing.”

She really hoped that the truth would remain buried until the day Analise peacefully departed. Why are they suddenly asking me to go back now?


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