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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 566

Chapter 566 You’re Only Regretting After Making The Mistake

Abigail broke eye contact and remained silent. Instead, she tried to pull her hand away. Unfortunately, Sean held onto her tighter and spoke gently, “Abigail, I won’t bring this up again in the future.”

“But you already have,” she calmly pointed out. This is his usual pattern, realizing his mistakes only after he’s made them. Maybe it was the alcohol, but she no longer felt the need to suppress her emotions. So, she stared at him and said, “Whether it was our marriage, your lecision to save Luna, or now taking the Pearsons’ side. It doesn’t matter because you’ve only considered your own thoughts. My feelings mean. nothing to you, and you always realize your mistakes later. So, what’s the point?”

“I’m sorry,” he muttered.

“I know you think there’s still a chance for our marriage after convincing me to return to the Pearsons. But have you ever considered my feelings? I thought you would stand by my side, but I guess I was too naive.” A sarcastic chuckle escaped her lips.

“I never thought about that. All I want is for you to have parents who love and support you, so they can be there for you if anyone tries to take advantage of you in the future,” he earnestly explained.

“Do you think I’m a child? I’ve endured so much bullying and made it this far. Do I still need someone to protect me? I can stand up for myself and I’m not afraid of anyone, including you.” Her eyes burned with


Sean sheepishly touched his nose. “You’re right. I wasn’t thinking clearly, but I promise I won’t do this again.”

She simply snorted coldly and ignored him once more. He was always quick to apologize, but unfortunately, he would repeat the same mistakes. So, she couldn’t be bothered with him anymore.

After leaving the hotel, he helped her into the car. Instead of immediately starting the engine, he looked out the window and asked, “I know you find me annoying, but you and the Pearsons need closure. You can’t keep going on like this forever.”

Of course, Abigail understood that. Even Analise wanted her to return to the Pearsons, thinking that everything could be resolved since it was all just a misunderstanding. If she continued to act hostile towards Lawrence and his wife, Analise would only see her as childish.

“Have a good conversation with Grandma later and see what she has to say before making a decision. I’ll stay out of your affairs. At this point, Sean genuinely worried that he would say something wrong and upset her again. More importantly, he had no idea what would trigger her.

She gave him a disdainful look. “Do you think I’m being unreasonable because you interfered in my



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