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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 616

Lynette sighed and began, "Uncle Lawrence was not born out of love, but rather out of the Pearsons' elders' expectations for a grandson. Grandmother had strict requirements for Uncle Lawrence because he was meant to inherit the family business. On the other hand, Uncle Vincent was born after Grandmother and Grandfather developed a deep connection. Grandmother said that carrying Uncle Vincent was the happiest moment of her life."

Abigail couldn't help but feel sorry for Lawrence.

He was not born out of love, but rather out of the Pearsons' need for someone to take on the family's responsibilities.

Lynette's father, who was supposed to be the daughter Patricia had hoped for, was not loved because he wasn't.

"Abigail, if you and Sean decide to remarry and have children, please don't be like Grandmother and Grandfather. Our family may seem harmonious to outsiders, but in reality, I know it's falling apart," Lynette pouted, her expression somewhat sad.

"I still have a long way to go with him," Abigail said uneasily.

She used to think that having a child because both sets of parents wanted one was a good idea, but now it seems that Sean was right in refusing to have children back then.

How pitiful it would be to have a child who was not born out of love.

Lawrence took on all the responsibilities of the Pearsons' company, allowing others to reap the benefits, but how did Patricia treat him? She didn't treat him well at all.

Favoritism was both terrifying and pitiful.

"It's not far off. Take your time to think about it. In the future, you'll be able to raise your child well and consider how to be good parents," Lynette chuckled.

Abigail raised an eyebrow. "You don't even have a boyfriend yet, and you're already thinking about all this?"

"My parents told me that I'm very lucky because they love me very much," Lynette finished speaking and turned around with her phone. "I won't disturb you anymore."

Abigail watched her walk away and shook her head gently.

When Sean woke up, it was already lunchtime.

Lynette had left Abigail alone and gone out to play.

The entire office was empty except for Abigail, who was busy working.

"Have you had lunch?" Sean asked Abigail as soon as he stepped out of the room.

"I'm waiting for you." Abigail put down the documents in her hands and looked up at him.

Sean thought Abigail seemed a bit different. He pondered for a moment and smiled. "What's going on with you? You're so gentle today, and you're speaking with a hint of tenderness."

"I've always been like this. You just didn't notice." Abigail stood up, her tone becoming colder.

She was thinking of being a bit nicer to him, but his words ruined the atmosphere.


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