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Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean) novel Chapter 622

As Lily drove, she asked about Sean's preferences.

"He has a lot of preferences. It would take too long to list them all in just a few sentences," Xavien replied, quickly typing on his phone.

"Oh, so are you planning to go back to the company later? If not, let's find a place to eat and chat," Lily said with a warm and generous smile.

Xavien paused his typing, pushed up his glasses, and looked at her with a hint of mockery in his eyes. "How about I choose a place? Is this your first time in Pendorf?"

"Yes, I went abroad during high school, and before that, I had always lived in Capitalis," Lily replied, feeling a bit flattered by his attention.

She believed she was not unattractive, and with a little more effort, these men would show her some respect.

"In that case, let's go to a place called Hillion. The food there is amazing. The fish is truly wild, and most importantly, the dishes are delicious, and the scenery is beautiful," Xavien said, setting down his phone and becoming more talkative.

"Really? Then I definitely have to try it!" Lily immediately agreed.

The two of them chatted for a while. According to the navigation, Lily noticed that the car was going further and further away from the city. She started to worry, but considering that Xavien was someone close to Sean and just an assistant, she let go of her concerns.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer buildings outside, and the surroundings became desolate.

"Mr. Summer, is this place too far? Why are there no people around?" Lily started to feel a bit scared.

Xavien smiled and said, "Hillion is located at the border between Pendorf and another city. It does look strange from the outside, but it's close to a famous village on the internet. Mr. Graham has also invested money in that village."

Lily nodded, but she still felt a bit worried.

Slowly, Lily saw houses here and there, and her worries subsided.

More and more houses appeared.

Suddenly, Xavien said, "You can park here. Your sports car won't be able to drive on the roads inside. I should have brought an off-road vehicle. The chassis of your car is not suitable for this kind of road."

Lily knew he was right. The road ahead was rugged and uneven, and the low chassis of her sports car was prone to scraping. If the car broke down, they wouldn't be able to go back.

She got out of the car, and Xavien led her into the village.

A tall and strong man was waiting for them at the village entrance.

Xavien approached him and said, "This is my friend, brought here specially to taste the local delicacies."

"Hey, this place is only for important people. Is she Mr. Graham's friend?" the man asked Xavien with a smile, but his eyes quickly scanned Lily up and down.

Seeing that she was well-dressed and driving a luxury car, a hint of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Xavien nodded. "Yes, let's go."


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