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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 212

#Chapter 212 - Rafe's Anger


I loop my arms around Sinclair's neck as he carries me through the palace gates, trying to steady myself even as my concerns for his injuries grow irrepressible. "Dominic no, you'll hurt yourself." I object, sweeping my eyes over his muscular body. He's naked as the day he was born, and his abdomen is swollen with black and blue bruises. His feet are bleeding, and numerous smaller bruises and cuts dot his powerful form.

He doesn't seem the least bit bothered, though I suspect he's using the last stores of his power to stave off the pain. "Hush now, I've been waiting weeks to hold you, you think I'm going to let some sore ribs stop me?" Sinclair quips, brushing his lips over my forehead.

I try to help as best I can, novelxo sitting upright in his arms and using his strong shoulders to support my weight. I'm in the perfect position to explore the curve of his neck, and my inner wolf won't let me pass up the opportunity. I nuzzle his sweat-stained skin, kissing and nibbling his throat - letting him feel how elated I am to have him home, and just how badly I missed him.

Sinclair emits an appreciative purr, turning his lips to my ear. "Do you want to tell me what mischief you’ve been making to make Philippe and Gabriel so grumpy?"

"Nothing." I reply innocently, giving him my best puppy dog eyes. "They're just mean, ill-tempered men.”

Sinclair grins wolfishly, and my heart skips a beat. "Now why do I find that hard to believe?"

"Because she's the most ungovernable she-wolf I've ever met." Gabriel snorts from beside us, also smiling. "Honestly, you'd think I was nothing but a nobody omega for all the consideration she gives my orders."

"I might give them more - if you were half the wolf my mate is." I challenge, feeling thoroughly emboldened with Sinclair's arms around me.

"Ella," Sinclair warns in a half-amused, half-scolding tone, "Is that anyone to speak to the man who has shown us and our people such friendship and generosity?"

"Since he's also the man who tried to lock me up so I couldn’t come after you when you were out there alone and clearly in need of help - yes." I reply stubbornly, scowling when the King just rolls his eyes.

"I hate to break it to you baby, but the last thing I would have wanted was for you to be out there looking for me with a bomber on the loose." Sinclair remarks, affectionate but somber as he looks to his old friend. "I know why you felt compelled to come after me, but I appreciate Gabriel looking out for you when I couldn't. He did the right thing." 1

I huff indignantly, "But I was the only one who even believed you were alive!" I exclaim. "None of them were doing anything!"

"They didn't need to." Sinclair soothes, pressing soft kisses to my cheek. "I made it home, sweetheart.

"Besides, I'm not the one who put you on bed rest, Ella." Gabriel adds pointedly, and Sinclair stiffens, looking down at me sharply.

"It was just stress because you were missing." I assure him quickly, "I'll be fine now that you're back." He's still watching me suspiciously, and I'm willing Gabriel not to say more. Luckily the perfect distraction awaits us as we enter the palace itself. Word has obviously spread about Sinclair's return, and it seems as if every shifter in the vicinity has turned out to welcome him.

The halls are lined with servants, Vanaran courtiers and refugees from home. nvëlx.o The servants and Vanarans bow and smile, but the refugees drop to their knees with tears in their eyes, looking as though their prayers have been answered - which they probably have. Sinclair nods to each and every one of them with such respect, compassion and dedication, signaling that he sees and appreciates them, even if he doesn't have the freedom to stop at this moment. I lean my head against his shoulder as my wolf overflows with pride for our mate, letting him feel every ounce of the emotion through our bond.


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