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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 241

#Chapter 241 - Ella and Sinclair Celebrate


After Leon leaves Sinclair takes me to bed, though not for the reason I initially hoped. I cling to him as he tries to place me in my nest, "What are you doing?” I inquire indignantly.

"Trying to help you get comfortable.” He replies, petting my cheek. 'You need to rest."

"You promised we'd cuddle.” I remind him, refusing to let go. I wrap my legs around his back, hanging off of him like a very round sloth.

"I did, but I think we both know that's not what you're interested in right now.” Sinclair rumbles affectionately, gently detaching my limbs from his big body. I huff and stretch out beneath him, wriggling out of my clothes and enticing him with my lush curves. His emerald eyes rake over my naked skin with open appreciation, and I hear his wolf grumbling with barely contained desire.

He's not wrong about my intentions. This is the ether's doing - a side effect I haven't yet experienced because Sinclair hasn't been with me during the previous sessions. The drug is not only consuming my mind in a haze of dreamy images and surreal illusions, but the euphoric sensations which once seemed like innocent joy now translate into overwhelming lust.

With Sinclair's heady aroma and dominant energy filling my senses, my limbs become deliciously heavy, and a sultry heat radiates from my core. My blood simmers and pulses, accumulating in my breasts and dripping sex, swelling them with carnal need. My love for my mate is so powerful in this moment that I can’t even contemplate keeping it to myself. It wants to pour out of me in a great rush, to drown my mate in affection and bring us both to rapture.

"We just discovered something wonderful, Dominic." I state in a voice as smooth as silk. "We should celebrate."

Sinclair sighs, fluffing the pillows around my body and tucking me beneath a weighted blanket. "I hate to say it but I don't think you're in the right state of mind for that." He declares firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Besides, not all of that memory was good, my love. Are you sure you aren't just focusing on the nice part to avoid thinking about the rest?"

"Of course I'm sure." I counter stubbornly, pushing the blanket off of me and sidling closer to him. "The ether isn't making me imagine I want you, Dominic. I always want you." I profess, leaning into his side and kissing his neck. "Are you truly going to deny me just because I'm a little high?"

'That's exactly what I'm going to do, you naughty thing." Sinclair answers sternly, "now stop flirting with me and lie down."

My wolf whines pitifully, and I slump back against the pile of pillows. Sinclair's hungry gaze follows my every move, and I sense his dire temptation through our bond. A flash of devious inspiration strikes, and I part my legs, letting him see just how aroused I am- ensuring my scent assails him at full force.

Sinclair groans, his wolf snarling with frustration and heightening my arousal even further. "Such a brazen little wolf." He croons, towering over my prone body with dark, sensual intent. ‘You don’t have any inhibitions right now, do you, trouble?” He observes, sliding his fingers through my slick cleft, teasing my aching clit with a featherlight touch that nonetheless makes me arch and cry out. "Putting this sweet pussy on display like this... tempting me with all your honey?” He removes his hand only to take his fingers into his mouth, licking my arousal from his long fingers with a rumble of pleasure. The scandalous sight leaves me panting, but then Sinclair captures my nape in his powerful grip, lowering his face until our noses are practically touching. "Do you really believe I'm going to let you get away with it?"


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