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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 249

#Chapter 249 – Decisions


What started as a regular dinner party quickly evolves into a marathon planning session for the war, extending late into the night. I summoned James and my top enforcers as soon as the alliance was confirmed, because even though we’ve just clinched a major victory, the truth is that the hardest work is still ahead of us. In addition to coordinating Kieran’s mission as a double agent, there are a lot of logistics to sort out in terms of mobilizing combat forces and choosing tactical strategies.

In hindsight I realize I should have familiarized the delegations with the military minutiae from the beginning, but I hadn’t wanted to risk compromising classified information without confirming their loyalties first. Now I’m paying the price of that caution, as there’s a great deal of ground to cover simply to get everyone caught up on the same page. Still, I’m elated to have the combined armies of the Vanaran packs at our disposal. In addition to the resistance forces coalescing back home, our numbers should now be more than double the soldiers employed in Damon’s imperial army – and that’s not to mention the Vanaran technologies we’ll now be able to employ.

Everything is finally coming together, and I’d be lying if I said I don’t feel entirely impatient to launch our first true attack. Ella is helping me remain patient, simply by the virtue of my wolf refusing to be separated from her any sooner than we’ve already planned. It’s a good thing too, because I know rushing home in a fiery rage is a recipe for disaster. We have to put ourselves in our opponents shoes; get inside Damon’s mind and anticipate his every move, then account for each potential complication until we have a protocol for every contingency.

Ella is barely awake by the time we finally finish discussing our next steps. I tried to convince her to go up to bed an hour ago, but she only climbed into my lap and dug her proverbial paws in. I didn’t have the heart to set her away from me, and I figured there was a better chance of her sleeping with me than without me. I’m not even sure she’s aware when we decide to call it a night.

I carry the drowsy bundle up to our suite, pangs of tenderness radiating through my chest every time she emits a sleepy murmur and snuggles closer, burying her face in the curve of my neck. I try my best to undress Ella without disturbing her slumber, but it’s no use. She blinks up at me with heavy-lidded eyes as I slide her dress down over her hips, one small hand extending towards my face. I pause so she can stroke my jaw, wondering if there’s ever been such a sweet mate before, then deciding such a thing is impossible.

“I’m so proud of you.” She utters, her speech only slightly slurred. “You were brilliant tonight, Dominic.”

“You were the brilliant one.” I reply, kissing her palm and finally pulling the gown from her delectable body. “You played Kieran like a fiddle, and you had every other wolf in that room hanging on your every word.”

“I just lured them in, you’re the one who they’ve chosen to follow.” She replies, summoning a beatific smile. “All those big tough wolves deferring to your strength, anxiously awaiting your directions and guidance, even above their own King’s? That’s not nothing, my love.” Her silken voice is low and husky, her gold eyes limpid pools. I know, even without scenting her arousal, that my little wolf found no shortage of excitement in watching me take charge of that room.

“Oh?” I croon, slipping her heels from her poor, swollen feet. I begin massaging the soles, and Ella moans in relief as my knuckles knead her sore muscles. “So my little troublemaker enjoyed seeing me boss everyone around, hmm?”

She flushes and giggles softly, but her face is solemn when she continues. “I’m serious. It’s a testament to just how much they respect you – we couldn’t ask for a higher endorsement.” Ella smiles again, lighting up my whole world. “It’s why you deserve to be King… wherever you go, the most powerful shifters bend the knee of their own free will. You don’t use threats or intimidation, you simply walk the walk and they fall in line.” She muses, “It’s very impressive.”

I know Ella is expressing genuine admiration – that she wants to make sure I take credit for this accomplishment – but I’m feeling much too triumphant for thoughtful reflections. My wolf wants to celebrate, and what better way could there be to mark this occasion than playing with our mate?

“So it didn’t turn you on?” I tease, sliding my hand up her velvety thigh and pulling aside the sodden gusset of her panties. Ella shudders as my fingers connect with her needy sex, sinking right into her slick folds. “This sweet pussy is certainly dripping – do you mean to tell me it’s not for me?”

“It’s always for you.” Ella answers breathily, her voice catching when my thumb finds her sensitive clit. “Only you can do this to me, Dominic.” I might think she’s simply going along with the subject change to please me, except that I can feel just how profoundly my touch addles her thoughts, derailing anything she might have wanted to say next.

I purr with barely restrained pleasure, my cock going rock hard before Ella is even finished speaking. “Very good.” I praise, pulling away the last of her undergarments. Her eyes dip to the hard member between my legs, and my wolf howls through our bond when she licks her lips as if the mere sight has made her salivate. I’m still lazily petting her most intimate flesh, drinking in every tiny sound and movement she makes as the feelings wash over her.

Ella is perfectly alert now, but I cease touching her when her eyes fall shut. “Are you sure you’re not too tired for this, little mate?” I ask, eyes narrowed in concern. “We just just go to sleep if you are.”

Her eyes snap open. “No, I’m awake.” She answers, responding so quickly I have to smother a smile.


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